Lyrics Depot is your source of lyrics to NEW FRONTIER by Steely Dan. Please check back for more Steely Dan lyrics.


Artist: Steely Dan

Yes we're gonna have a wingding
A summer smoker underground
It's just a dugout that my dad built
In case the reds decide to push the button down
We've got provisions and lots of beer
The key word is survival on the new frontier

Introduce me to that big blonde
She's got a touch of Tuesday Weld
She's wearing Ambush and a French twist
She's got us wild and she can tell
She loves to limbo, that much is clear
She's got the right dynamics for the new frontier

Well I can't wait 'til I move to the city
'Til I finally make up my mind
To learn design and study overseas

Have you got a steady boyfriend
Cause honey I've been watching you
I hear you're mad about Brubeck
I like your eyes, I like him too
He's an artist, a pioneer
We've got to have some music on the new frontier

Well I can't wait 'til I move to the city
'Til I finally make up my mind
To learn design and study overseas
Let's pretend that it's the real thing
And stay together all night long
And when I really get to know you
We'll open up the doors and climb into the dawn
Confess your passion your secret fear
Prepare to meet the challenge of the new frontier


by Kellen on 5/29/2008 8:06pm
um, its not by Steely Dan. It's by Donald Fagen & it was his Nightfly album.
by Biggy on 7/5/2008 7:32pm
ummm,,,Donald Fagen is Steely Dan,,
by Randy F. on 7/8/2008 3:15pm
Well actually Steely Dan is Donald Fagen and Walter Becker, a significant difference! By your logic Wings = Beatles.
by Kathryn on 7/26/2008 5:44pm
Agreed Donald Fagen is NOT Steely Dan....Cool lyrics though...Yes we're gonna have a wing ding!!!Somebody pass the bong :)
by R Sue on 9/4/2008 8:39pm
Ummm...when Fagen released "The Nightfly" it was independent of his work with Walter Becker as the creators of Steely Dan music (largely performed by other musicans at the direction of Fagen- Becker, and a fine job they all do ot it.
He specifcally released it as his solo creative effort.
by BringinItAllBackHome on 11/21/2008 12:13am
Who is Steely Dan and were the Beatles a part of that group?
Red Bull gives you Wings, atleast I know that.

I only listen to WJAZ, an independent station with jazz and conversation. Till the sun, the sun comes... the skyline..
by Child of the 60's on 4/8/2009 9:02pm
Yep, Fagen. I thought my dad should have built the underground smoker, loved Tuesday Weld and Brubeck, and the thought of the New Frontier. Hint: it's still out there for everybody!
by Luniversal on 10/5/2009 5:55am
The video that goes with this superb track, by Morton & Jankel, is fully worthy of it.
by DanMan on 7/13/2010 9:15pm
Check out Walter Becker's solo work as well. Not Dan, not Donald, stands up excellent on its own!
by Stander on the Mountain on 1/5/2011 5:11am
Bringing it all back home said....

I only listen to WJAZ, an independent station with jazz and conversation. Till the sun, the sun comes... the skyline..

They must live near the foot of Mount Belzoni
by maru on 9/8/2014 8:22am
pure fusion, pure pearl, pure music. tnx for your existence mr. fagen, dan, whatever...
by Tanya on 7/30/2016 1:02pm
Just lovin' Fagen solo and with Becker as Steely Dan. Who cares? As long as they make great music alone or together....
by DrBob_007 on 4/14/2017 7:49am
These lyrics are not quite correct:

"right dynamics" should be "right dynamic"

"She's wearing Ambush" should be "Wearing Ambush"
by Mad about Brubeck on 9/7/2017 7:29pm
This is DF but Walter is in the album as session guitarist.
by TK luvs SD on 7/24/2018 10:21am
Welllll.... Donald Fagen is the primary voice of Steely Dan, so even though he is not technically SD, he sounds like it. :-) Could be confusing to anyone.

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