Lyrics Depot is your source of lyrics to Si Una Vez (English Translation) by Selena. Please check back for more Selena lyrics.
Si Una Vez (English Translation) Lyrics
Artist: Selena
Album: 12 Super Exitos
Please remember! This translation is my personal work. It is sometimes difficult to translate word for word from Spanish to English, so it may sound awkward in one languange when it is perfectly natural in the other. But I think you can get the general idea!
I gave you all my love and more
And you don't even know what love is
I put myself at your feet
And only with contempt you paid me back
If once I said that I loved you,
today I regret it
If once I said that I loved you,
I don't know what I was thinking
I must have been crazy
If once I said that I loved you,
and that for you I gave my life
If once I said that I loved you,
I won't do it again,
That mistake is a thing of the past
I know that one day you will return
And you will be sorry for everything
I put myself at your feet
And only with contempt you paid me back
Selena Lyrics
Selena 12 Super Exitos Lyrics
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i love selena & i love her music!
this is one of fav songs by selena luv this!
I heart this songggg
i love selena i cant believe shes's gone. i hope yolanda burns in the deepest parts of hell and beyond. selena didnt deserve it. i will alwyas remember her!!
OMG I LOVE HER SONG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I freaking love Selenas music she had a BEAUTIFUL SOUL & I don't think she deserved what happened 2 her but she's an anGeL now so who are we 2 complain ?
some people are too good to remain here for long, but her music lives on . . . and what passionate music it is!
I agree you guys I love Selena too I know it's been like 14 years since she was killed but like everytime I watch Selena I get upset because her death could have been prevented. I LOVE THIS SONG TOO!
I love her songs. she writes song that actually have meaning and that people can actually realate to.
Selena will live forever as long as we don't alllow her unique music, fashion, legacy,sense of purity and humility be destroyed by Evildoers like she was.
i loved this song to death
I love selena to death and si una ves is my favorite song!!!!such a shame someone had to die that young an that talented she will be missed!!!
there is a girl at my school named after selena
wow i love this song as much as the first one in spanish i love selena now that she is dead because Yolanda Saldivar killed her and Selena is so beautiful from both sides from the inside and from the i hope she could be alive and still sing like that
from your number one fan,
Mariana Curiel
Im doingg a report on her and i really didnt know alot about her but i lovee thiss song so muchh :)
I love her songs! She was the best ever at singing in two languages! I try but can't cuz she is da best! Wants wrong with Yolanda!!! Selena was still young!!!!
da best song.. i dedicate dis too Reandy... yu broke ma heart over nd over nd i took yu bak dn yu still did it after yu said yu wouldnt.... but i guess i was dumb enough to believe yur words
I Love Selena and everyone of her songs are amazing!!! I wish I could of gone and seen her in concert. RIP Selena you are forever remembered and missed as a young talanted unique mexican woman!!!
I am so impressed with Selena, her talent, her music, her passion, her smile, her heart and her spirit. ... so touched by her I can't believe it. We are so blessed to have her recordings - so hurt by her loss. Never saw her perform except on video - but I just really have to say something about the emotion she makes me feel. Bless her always!!!
selena is more the si una vez i love song
Grt song. Selena you wil always be in our hearts and memory .
Viva Selena, i am a huge fan of selena, i listen to her music all the time, her music has inspired my 5 year old son to speak Spanish! Your memory will always live on! God bless!
I love dis song nd all of her music idk spanish really but her spanish music is the only spanish music ill play
Missing some words. But good attempt
Im only twelve and i love this song and selena y los denos
i love this song in spanish and engish
I love this song. I don't even understand spanish but it's sounds so beautiful. I love all her songs whether in english or spanish.
I've been looking for this song for years , i heard it on the move and just could not find it until today so i trying to learn it in Spanish. I miss and love you Selena.
She is one of the greatest... She is missed!
You love Selena only because she's dead and Yolanda killed her?? Honestly some of you should go back to school..or at least take English classes...
Thank you for the translation :)
Did the best version of this song.
Good job! Disregard the negative people.
I love Selena. She is simply amazing! La Reina. Viviras viviras Selena.
Amazing song I love it.