Lyrics Depot is your source of lyrics to Como la Flor (English Translation) by Selena. Please check back for more Selena lyrics.
Como la Flor (English Translation) Lyrics
Artist: Selena
Album: 12 Super Exitos
Please remember! This translation is my personal work. It is sometimes difficult to translate word for word from Spanish to English, so it may sound awkward in one languange when it is perfectly natural in the other. But I think you can get the general idea!
I know that you have a new love
Even still, I wish you the best
If in me you didn't find happiness
Maybe someone else will give it to you
Like the flower, with so much love
you gave to me, it withered
I'm leaving today
I know how to lose
But, oh, how it hurts
If you saw how it hurt to lose you love
With your goodbye, you take my heart
I don't know if I'll be able to love again
Because I gave you all the love I could give
Selena Lyrics
Selena 12 Super Exitos Lyrics
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selina was the best texana singer. so i wish we never forgett about her.bye
oh how i love selena shes the best i wish she was still here for us to enjoy her even more we will never forget about u selena we love u
awww sweety i just wanna give u the biggest huge ever
If you are a huge fan of Selena's I recommend going and visiting her memorials in Corpus Christi. My sister and I went to Corpus a year ago and we saw all the memorials. We even met Selena's dad. It was a nice heart warming time that my sister and I shared since we both loved Selena.
i would never forget about selena,because i love her song dreaming of you,i always sing this song.....
selena is the best. if she was alive i will try to be her friend. she inspired me very much. i love all her songs. bye
good job i like it can you do the rest of the song please
Thank You so much for the translations. My Spanish is weak and You've helped me correct my interpretations of songs of this Wonderful Singer. We were SO BLESSED to have Selena in our midst here in Corpus Christi. Like many other posters on this site, I want to keep her memory alive and present with us. "Como La Flor" just breaks my heart because I can't help but think it is about her...and love she might not have gotten. God, Bless Her.
I love you selena, and i love your songs the ones in spanish nd in english.... I miss you and i will always have a places for you in my heart girl..... <3
i love this song!!!:)
I love this song.....God bless your soul Selena...
I love all of Selena's beautiful music! It warms my heart to know how inspirational and beautiful she was, may her spirit live on and Rest In Paradise :*<3
Wah wah selena has inspired me to learn spanish through her spanish songs which I enjoy listening to despite not knowing the meanings. L.o.L selena I appreciate ua contribution to music.
For jennifer lopez big up fo the rip tribute video to selena I loved it. Mwaah!!