Lyrics Depot is your source of lyrics to It's Tricky by Run-D.M.C.. Please check back for more Run-D.M.C. lyrics.

It's Tricky Lyrics

Artist: Run-D.M.C.
Album: Raising Hell


This speech is my recital, I think it's very vital
To rock (a rhyme), that's right (on time)
It's Tricky is the title, here we go...

It's Tricky to rock a rhyme, to rock a rhyme that's right on time
It's's Tricky (Tricky) Tricky (Tricky)
It's Tricky to rock a rhyme, to rock a rhyme that's right on time
It's Tricky...Tr-tr-tr-tricky (Tricky) Trrrrrrrrrrricky

Verse 1

I met this little girlie, her hair was kinda curly
Went to her house and bust her out, I had to leave real early
These girls are really sleazy, all they just say is please me
Or spend some time and rock a rhyme, I said "It's not that easy"

It's Tricky to rock a rhyme, to rock a rhyme that's right on time
It's Tricky...(How is it D?) It's Tricky (Tricky) Tricky (Trrrrrricky)
It's Tricky to rock a rhyme, to rock a rhyme that's right on time
It's Tricky...Tricky (Tricky) Tricky

Verse 2

In New York the people talk and try to make us rhyme
They really (hawk) but we just (walk) because we have no time
And in the city it's a pity cos we just can't hide
Tinted windows don't mean nothin', they know who's inside

It's Tricky to rock a rhyme, to rock a rhyme that's right on time
It's Tricky...(How is it D?) Tricky (Tricky) Tricky (Tricky)
It's Tricky to rock a rhyme, to rock a rhyme that's right on time
It's Tricky...Tricky (Tricky) Tricky (Tricky) huh!

Verse 3

When I wake up people take up mostly all of my time
I'm not singin', phone keep ringin' cos I make up a rhyme
I'm not braggin', people naggin' cos they think I'm a star
Always tearin' what I'm wearin', I think they're goin' too far
A girl named Carol follows Daryll every gig we play
Then D dissed her and dismissed her, now she's jockin' Jay
I ain't lyin', girls be cryin' cos I'm on TV
They even bother my poor father cos he's down with me

It's Tricky to rock a rhyme, to rock a rhyme that's right on time
It's Tricky...(How is it?) Tricky (Tricky) Tricky (Tricky)
It's Tricky to rock a rhyme, to rock a rhyme that's right on time
It's Tricky...Tr-tr-tr-tr-tr-tricky (Tr-Tr-Tr-Tricky) Tr-tr-tr...

Verse 4

We are not thugs (we don't use drugs) but you assume (on your own)
They offer coke (and lots of dope) but we just leave it alone
It's like that y'all (y'all), but we don't quit
You keep on (rock!) shock! Cos this is it...


by Margerita on 5/12/2008 3:33pm
I love this song. I wish my elephant could sing this. If Heather could I would be so happy :) (Heather=my elephant)
by CarlieRae on 5/13/2008 10:58am
I love this song it is so Tricky!
by ric on 5/13/2008 11:26am
by ace man on 5/14/2008 8:04pm
totally narley braaa
by yoyoyo on 5/16/2008 5:59pm
Its tricccckkkkky yo!
by And... on 5/16/2008 11:48pm
this song is better than "Peanut Butter Jelly Time"!
by Jorr_ on 5/17/2008 4:38pm
by Erica on 5/19/2008 1:37pm
this song makes me dance. involuntarily :)
by ice on 5/19/2008 9:30pm
this song is very rocks my world
by sam long on 5/21/2008 7:11am
i love this song i dance to it all night it reminds me of my mummy love you mummy
by shelley on 5/21/2008 7:14am
i like this song its ok i guess a bit boring wait but sam long is gay he lives in poole and hamworthy
by nigger on 5/21/2008 10:11pm
suck it
by gbdfg on 5/27/2008 12:44pm
sure bud
by kay and chels on 5/27/2008 4:44pm
We love this song. Its amazing! We're dancing to it in our gym class. :]
Some of these comments seem like crackheads wrote them, not dissin' crackheads though.
by da fubk on 5/27/2008 7:09pm
dsofhauga cool
by on 5/28/2008 9:54am
Any one waatch runs house belta that is oh n so is this song
by ken on 5/28/2008 10:36am
i love this song!!!!!!!!!
by me on 5/29/2008 5:37am
me and my cousin love this song. We we singing it on Singstar all night, we couldn't get enough of it!
by Kori S. LBHS Journalism on 5/30/2008 9:06am
IT"S TRICKY!! I like, totally LOVE, I mean LOVE this song on SINGstar. You like, def. need it. Peace Y O!
by hassan on 5/30/2008 11:45am
this song rocKsssssssssssssss
by beef on 5/31/2008 9:00am
best song ...ever
by lahhh on 6/2/2008 9:45pm
this song is so amazing
i still listen to it all the time!!!
by D.M.C FAN / Lisa on 6/3/2008 9:29am
It's tricky ya'll . It is totally confusing to say the part of "its tricky to rock a rhyme , rock a rhyme thats right on time" but its cool!! peace my braahs
by HiP hOp FlAvA on 6/5/2008 4:20am
FuKk DiZz SoNg SuKkZ sHyT fUkN hElL mAn.WaHt WeIrDoZ dAhT lIkE iT.lOl NaH iTz lRiTe BlEaNdN iN wId DaH ada HaTeRz NaH.dOeZ nE bOdI hEa HaVv A bEbO pAgE
by nik on 6/5/2008 3:25pm
me and my mate sang this on singstar in media xD we were awesome at it. So funny though :)
Great song
by daisyflowersunshine&moon on 6/7/2008 3:30pm
This song doppe man!!!!like I totally dig it doooudes hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaa its so tricky!!!!
by MIA MAN 2 on 6/10/2008 1:33am
i am a rapper and it is tricky to rock a rhyme on it is
by Lex on 6/10/2008 8:24pm
10/10 for original

if you like metal, the bloodhound gang version is worth looking into
by Gee on 6/11/2008 3:15am
Me + Alieasha Bopp To Thiss Songgggg - Yarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
by caw on 6/16/2008 2:32pm
i like this song
by lacie on 6/16/2008 10:44pm
yoyo..for HiP hOp FlAvA...I gOtta Beeeeeeeebo..hHit iiT up
by lok on 6/17/2008 1:17pm
nice song
by Jada on 6/26/2008 7:39am
i loooooooooooooooooove this songgggggggg
by Phoebe on 6/27/2008 5:31pm
i have 2 learn th ewords 2 this cos wer edoing it in music!!!!
by Tricky Tricky Treyy! :) on 7/1/2008 9:03pm
-i met a little girly her hair was kinda curly-

love this song!! but its a tongue twister to say
'It's Tricky to rock a rhyme, to rock a rhyme that's right on time'
really really fast!! haha :) gotta love runnnnn!!
by Jezri on 7/7/2008 1:15pm
by Mi mi on 7/9/2008 10:06pm
i'm only 16 and i love rundmc.....
i have every song on my ipod...
by emily on 7/19/2008 3:35pm
its so easy to learn the words
by its cha girl B. on 7/21/2008 11:20am
this song is the shyt.
by me on 7/21/2008 11:28am
its catchy n i LOVE it!!
by yassie boo! on 7/21/2008 9:52pm
e this songg my best friend got me hooked on run d.m.c ever since like 7th grade!!Run d.M.C. rokss my pants off!!
by ashley :) on 7/21/2008 10:46pm
i tried to sing this and it is ery hard but i'm in love with song:)
by abbie g on 7/22/2008 8:45am
i love this sonnnnggg haha i think i no the last person who left i message if i do hiya bbe x
by rachael on 7/29/2008 11:32am
this is one of my favorite songs to dance to!
i love Run DMC!
and does anyone know if the thing about the girl named carol is true?
by ryan on 8/4/2008 5:00am
RUN D.M.C is the best!

i love this song
by chase on 8/4/2008 11:49am
awesome song
by Sean on 8/6/2008 12:25pm
Its tricky to rock a rhyme to rock a rhyme thats right on time its tricky.
best song ever for big parties
by erika smerika on 8/6/2008 5:01pm
any 1 want a blow and i love this song so much!!!
by lalooo on 8/7/2008 1:49am
u rulee dude!!!!!!!!!!! rofl
by Z on 8/10/2008 5:48pm
This song is so amazing i listen to it all the time and evrywhere GO run D-MC
by Lin Lin on 8/13/2008 5:48pm
I love this song... I love this part on white chicks... git it!
by jinx on 8/16/2008 3:57pm
this song is awesome! its on white chicks haha
by corhoc the greek on 8/28/2008 8:18am
these niggas really know what they do they're awasome! i like only metal but when one of my father's friend showed me them i got crazy. they're the best ever! better than 50, better than eminem, better than anyone.
by DMK¢¾ on 9/2/2008 5:12pm
i luv this song! it reminds me of.....
by juju on 9/10/2008 3:16pm
i love this song 4 a very young age
by Dylan on 9/12/2008 10:01pm
Anybody that thinks this song is gay or doesn't like it needs to get there ass kicked
by Laura on 9/22/2008 2:37pm
This Song Is Awsome :)
by Nit Nat Noo on 10/6/2008 1:25pm
awesomness xx
by lmaoo .. on 10/16/2008 5:32am
sweet as bro
by MaTtY on 10/21/2008 1:31pm
my fav :)
by cutie on 10/22/2008 11:40pm
we do a dance to this in cheer! it's flippin hard! but great song ;)
by ash on 10/26/2008 1:29am
i love this song, ever since i saw cant hardly wait, the scene with seth green <3 in the bathroom... classic
by Racism Police. on 11/1/2008 4:15am
This song is 100% racist towards purple people. and possible people of the Mauve variation. on a side note, its wicked awesome.
by sheshe on 11/3/2008 4:23pm
i rock this song.... i love verse3!!
the end rocks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
by whateva422 on 11/4/2008 6:17pm
by amara on 11/17/2008 8:42am
i luv this song its soooo trrrricky
by Ol SKooL Luv on 11/22/2008 12:52pm
by Allie on 11/24/2008 8:27pm
I love that song keep on singing it it is on one of the video games i play called xxstricky if you can please e mail me this song if can cos i lve it so much at
by jokin oh ya on 11/25/2008 9:22pm
i love this song it is so snazzy
by shaniqua on 12/5/2008 5:03pm
you rockin dat beat
its trickay
by Summer on 12/9/2008 2:44pm
I love this song its amazing!!
by soccer chick on 12/13/2008 10:29pm
i luv this song it sooo fun and upbeat and easy to dance to
by kati on 12/18/2008 3:20pm
its tricky to rock around is wat my brother says lol
by katie on 1/2/2009 1:00pm
love this song yaya!!!
by random on 1/5/2009 3:32pm
by em on 1/6/2009 5:49am
i'm in ict and really bored. tricky is an amazing song - better than any of the poo akon comes up with
by me on 1/17/2009 4:21pm
I am not really into Hip Hop.. but this oldschool stuff is great!!
by kid on 1/18/2009 5:24pm
*OLD SKOOL* - that's wazup
by Jay on 2/13/2009 12:57pm
Dis song izzzz sooo Fliiiii 4sho...
by loviusa on 2/15/2009 4:18pm
by all day on 2/23/2009 8:17pm
by Jeston71911kid on 3/4/2009 2:56pm
this fuckin rocks the mike Run DMC is the best mother Fuckers to evr rap
by yo mama on 3/8/2009 12:13pm
k talking like a "gangsta" while typing makes u sound retarded fyi, im reading through these comments and i see stuff like, yo man diz shiz iz da bommin i lik dis diz al day n al night rezpect diz shiznittt mutha fuckas.... wow w/e great song
by MOOKIE on 3/23/2009 4:51pm
by nik on 4/3/2009 7:49am
my comment earlier was gay
by CRacker JaCk on 4/9/2009 11:21am
People its a good song but just leave comments like "i love this song" no1 cares if you've danced to it in gym or stayed up all night singing it on SINGstar. Gosh LEAVE short simple comments.
by FACK on 4/12/2009 6:41pm
im gonna facking cum
by Domenica on 4/22/2009 3:37pm
ahahaha, love this song.
by people on 7/20/2009 10:49pm
i'm in class.
by ur so gay on 8/5/2009 6:39pm
comments are for homos
by awesome person on 8/5/2009 9:23pm
yea im in class too, totally rebel.
by what should my name be on 10/17/2009 10:05pm
haha it took me forever to find this song lovee it hahahaha =P
by oman on 10/21/2009 2:13pm
swipper no swipping!!! swipper no swipping
by runescape on 11/6/2009 7:44pm
this song is ftw!!
by erik on 11/25/2009 10:08am
this song is roken!!!!!!!!!!!
by sh on 12/7/2009 2:02am
This song is sick!
by popolar girliy girll on 12/7/2009 12:06pm
at my high school they use thiss song
by lala on 12/9/2009 11:11pm
by RUN DMC FOR THE FUCKING WIN on 1/13/2010 4:31pm
by the KKK on 4/13/2010 3:44pm
We hate niggers
by laara on 5/24/2010 8:23am
by Ben on 8/13/2010 1:29am
by benisgay on 8/13/2010 4:56pm
Ben is gay
by supra on 9/10/2010 5:17am
now this is what i call hip hop. i love this song. i watched white chicks last night and this song was in the movie. this song is totally awesome! rock on RUN DMC m/.
by ice baby on 9/10/2010 5:18am
It's Tricky to rock a rhyme, to rock a rhyme that's right on time. i love that part. :D LOL
by drug on 9/10/2010 5:20am
i wish my school will allow me if i suggest this song to be our graduation song. well wish me luck guys lol
by brando21 on 12/4/2010 7:38pm
good luck
by Katie on 12/30/2010 12:10pm
by da fly on 3/7/2012 1:39am
Any one play ssx tricky???? and im the latest to comment ^^
by tricky shit on 3/19/2012 1:17pm
by Steph on 3/31/2012 7:52pm
Probably the most well known hip hop song.... Totally kick ass song. It's tricky to rock a rhyme to rock a rhyme that's right on time, it's tricky. Not many know the real lyrics. Most just mumble the tricky part. Songs tricky.
by Manaji 245 on 5/12/2012 8:39pm
this song is fuckin off the chain
by Ritafan on 6/16/2012 5:13pm
Leave it dogs.
by ur mom on 8/23/2012 2:08pm
this song is wicked man rock on tricky people
by Anthonia on 5/8/2021 2:13pm
Can't get enough of this song, it rocksssss baby, its trickyyyyyyyyy

Run-D.M.C. Lyrics
Run-D.M.C. Raising Hell Lyrics

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Run-D.M.C. - Crown Royal Lyrics
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Run-D.M.C. - Queens Day Lyrics
Run-D.M.C. - Rock the House Lyrics
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