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Penis Song Lyrics

Artist: Monty Python
Album: The Meaning Of Life

Isn't it awfully nice to have a penis?
Isn't it frightfully good to have a dong?
It's swell to have a stiffy.
It's divine to own a dick,
From the tiniest little tadger
To the world's biggest prick.
So, three cheers for your Willy or John Thomas.
Hooray for your one-eyed trouser snake,
Your piece of pork, your wife's best friend,
Your Percy, or your cock.
You can wrap it up in ribbons.
You can slip it in your sock,
But don't take it out in public,
Or they will stick you in the dock,
And you won't come back.


by Lacey on 5/30/2008 7:50pm
This is the funniest song ever = ]
by j davis on 6/19/2008 12:57pm
I learned the piano part and I'm just waiting until I'm around a bunch of christian republicans so I can burst into song!!
by Jakob on 6/19/2008 2:33pm
i digg it
by Natey on 7/8/2008 3:44pm
This is hilarious... i sang it at a party during the karaoke when i was supposed to sing a different song and they kicked me out!
by JW on 7/9/2008 7:30pm
As a southern "Christian republican" I take offense to the previous comment, and find this song HA-larious.
by shizza on 7/18/2008 12:26pm
this song his awwwwwsome
by John thomas on 7/18/2008 2:25pm
amen, JW... Same here!
by Marte on 7/18/2008 7:05pm
Simply Genial.
by Steven on 7/26/2008 12:21am
Yeah, I'm a christian and I love monty python

And I'm liberal

So why dont you get some different stereotypes and brains.
by Simen Arvesen on 11/3/2008 6:33am
The lyrics are true.. I took it out in public and I was put in the dock..
by Willy Tadger TH on 11/3/2008 2:20pm
Classic Monty Python
by Lisa Knight on 12/1/2008 6:00pm
too funny. I love Monty Python
by SirBedever on 12/10/2008 9:26am
It definitly IS!
by Stroem on 1/31/2009 6:19am
Does anyone know where to get the piano chords?
by hecoring on 2/1/2009 1:11pm
****ing awwwwsome song!
by Zach on 2/18/2009 12:56am
I say, old boy what a jolly witty song!
by big willy on 2/19/2009 1:57pm
by Dec head on 3/16/2009 3:29pm
Totaly fuckin wicked song ha ha =)
by Gary on 3/19/2009 7:19pm
You Americans are so dumb and talk shit
by Blagoo on 4/12/2009 6:30pm
I say, what a frightfully witty song! Meaning of Life is great.
by monty man on 4/13/2009 8:30am
good evening ladies and gentlmen here's a little number i tossed off recently in the carabian. haha
by Grin on 7/22/2009 12:24pm
That's it, JW & John Thomas! You're both excommunicated from the Christian Republican's club. And Steven, we're watching you.

.........."Follow the shooooooooe."
by python 4 life on 9/7/2009 7:58am
I dug it and Catholics r the bomb so back of dickwhipe I'll totaly ninja ur ass ... haha LOL I dig monty pythons

by wolfscrypt on 3/12/2010 10:10am
other then the drinking song this is still one of my favorites.
by Charlie Garcia on 3/18/2010 7:45pm
Oh! What a frightfully witty song!!!
by Ryan on 3/21/2010 6:04pm
i have learned the piano part for this song and i have to say it is probably the best song in my vocab.
by kyle on 5/1/2010 10:49pm
haha i love meaning of life thats such a good song, all u religous nubs shut up we dont care, its funny soo suck it up.
by healthyguy on 8/5/2010 9:35am
and you won't acome aback xD
by Jayson on 9/28/2010 3:40pm
How can you not love this song!!!
by adele :) on 10/21/2010 5:33pm
this is the BOMB! i have sng it so mny times to people at school, I LOVE IT :)
by WorldsBIGGESTprick ;D on 11/21/2010 6:51pm
I absolutely love this song :) I laughed so hard when I first saw the film, best song in 'the meaning of life' :D me and my bestfriend sing this all the time ;) we are massive monty python fans! I would love to learn this on the piano :p
by Trouser Python on 2/17/2011 6:26am
I was born a prick, I just got bigger!
by Selena Gomez :) on 1/14/2012 1:48am
Justin would love this!!
by Paul - Melbourne on 6/18/2012 3:52am
Selena, the question on the tips of my loose lips is this ...... Would Justin Like It, Just in, Or Do You Suppose He'd Prefer It Pushed In Just A Little Bit Further?
by Steven on 12/12/2012 7:35am
He's an imposter!
by Jake on 12/28/2012 11:49am
Thank you very much :)
by Connor on 4/26/2013 10:42am
The amount of times i have been kicked out a pub for singing that python anthem
by GZ on 11/29/2014 11:32am
People who disliked JWs comment dont know Python
by SomeGuy on 5/6/2016 5:45pm
Lol, love this song! Python FTW

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Monty Python The Meaning Of Life Lyrics

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