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Jealousy Lyrics

Artist: Frankie Laine
Album: Jealousy

Jealousy (Jalousie)

-Artist: Frankie Laine as sung on "Frankie Laine's Greatest Hits"
-Columbia CS 8636
-peak Billboard position # 3 in 1951
-Words by Vera Bloom and Jacob Gade

Jealousy, night and day you torture me
I sometimes wonder
If this spell that I'm under
Can only be a melody
For I know no one but me has won your heart, but
When the music starts, my peace departs

From the moment they play that lovely strain
And we surrender to all its charm again
This jealousy that tortures me is ecstasy, mystery, pain

We dance to a tango of love
Your heart beats with mine as we sway
Your eyes give the answer I'm dreaming of
That soft word your cruel lips will never say

I fear that the music will end
And shatter the spell it may lend
To make me believe when your eyes just deceive
But it's only the tango you love

I fear that the music will end
And shatter the spell it may lend
To make me believe when your eyes just deceive
And it's only the tango you love

It's only the tango that you love!!

Transcribed by Robin Hood

These lyrics were transcribed from the specific recording mentioned above
and do not necessarily correspond with lyrics from other recordings, sheet
music, songbooks or lyrics printed on album jackets.


by June T. on 3/7/2011 3:11pm
You were the best Frankie.

Frankie Laine Lyrics
Frankie Laine Jealousy Lyrics

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