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Rose Rose I Love You Lyrics

Artist: Frankie Laine

Rose, Rose I Love You

--Artist: Frankie Laine as sung on "Frankie Laine's Greatest Hits"
-Columbia CS 8636
-peak Billboard position # 3 in 1951
-English Lyrics by Wilfrid Thomas, Arranged by Chris Langdon

Rose, Rose I love you with an aching heart
What is your future?, now we have to part
Standing on the jetty as the steamer moves away
Flower of Malaya, I cannot stay

Make way, oh, make way for my Eastern Rose
Men crowd in dozens everywhere she goes
In her rickshaw on the street or in a cabaret
"Please make way for Rose" you can hear them say

All my life I shall remember
Oriental music and you in my arms
Perfumed flowers in your tresses
Lotus-scented breezes and swaying palms

Rose, Rose I love you with your almond eyes
Fragrant and slender 'neath tropical skies
I must cross the seas again and never see you more
'way back to my home on a distant shore

(All my life I shall remember)
(Oriental music and you in my arms)
(Perfumed flowers in your tresses)
(Lotus-scented breezes and swaying palms)

Rose, Rose I leave you, my ship is in the bay
Kiss me farewell now, there's nothin' to say
East is East and West is West, our worlds are far apart
I must leave you now but I leave my heart

Rose, Rose I love you with an aching heart
What is your future?, now we have to part
Standing on the jetty as the steamer moves away
Flower of Malaya, I cannot stay

(Rose, Rose I love you, I cannot stay)

Transcribed by Robin Hood

These lyrics were transcribed from the specific recording mentioned above
and do not necessarily correspond with lyrics from other recordings, sheet
music, songbooks or lyrics printed on album jackets.


by philip ciulla on 7/19/2012 6:03pm
who changed the words to frankie laine's song rose rose i love you?
sentences throughout are incorrect.
by philip ciulla on 7/19/2012 6:07pm
Rose, Rose I love you with an aching heart. money is your future now we have to part
standing on the

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