Lyrics Depot is your source of lyrics to Grenada by Frankie Laine. Please check back for more Frankie Laine lyrics.

Grenada Lyrics

Artist: Frankie Laine


-Artist: Frankie Laine as sung on "Frankie Laine's Greatest Hits"
-Columbia CS 8636
-peak Billboard position # 17 in 1954
-also charted as "Granada" by Frank Sinatra at # 64 in 1961
-English Lyrics by Dorothy Dodd and Music by Augustin Lara

Granada, I'm falling under your spell
And if you could speak, what a fascinating tale you would tell
Of an age the world has long forgotten
Of an age that weaves a silent magic in Granada today

The dawn in the sky greets the day with a sigh for Granada
For she can remember the splendor that once was Granada
It still can be found in the hills all around as I wand'r along
Entranced by the beauty before me
Entranced by a land full of sunshine and flowers and song

And when day is done and the sun starts to set in Granada
I envy the blush of the snow-clad Sierra Nevada
For soon it will welcome the star while a thousand guitars
Play a soft habaera

Then moonlit Granada will live again the glory of yesterday
Romantic and gay!!!

Transcribed by Robin Hood

These lyrics were transcribed from the specific recording mentioned above
and do not necessarily correspond with lyrics from other recordings, sheet
music, songbooks or lyrics printed on album jackets.


by joeH. on 11/10/2010 4:16am
Beautiful lyrics and melodie nothing like when Frankie L. sang it - such vigor timing... love the ".. land full of sunshine and flowers and song " etc. however it should be " stars" not "star" and the "along" after "wander" is awkward and un-necessary - we get it... but let me not subtract from Frankie L.'s "Granada". Marvelous. Bravo ! pls somebody Modern - pick this up and come close. Sentimental fool , JoeH. ..."& sunshine& flwers & song"
by johnB on 7/19/2012 10:39pm
The greatest of his era

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