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Skin Deep Lyrics

Artist: ZoeGirl
Album: Room To Breathe

Sometimes I feel lost
In a sea of insecurity
That rages inside of me
So terribly caught
And the waves of self-rejection
Make me question my ability

But there's a fire that always burns
And there's a voice inside
And all it wants is to be heard

'Cause beyond skin deep
There's so much more to see
My hopes, my dreams designed with destiny
I was fashioned with passion
A burning desire to know the One who made me more
He made me more than skin deep
'Cause I am more, I am more than skin deep
So much more

It's so hard to change
When we are captive to ourselves
Always thirsty for something else
But free or enslaved
We are sons, we are daughters
Called out by the Father's name

So take the fire and let it burn
Unleash the voice inside
'Cause everyone needs to be heard

Beyond skin deep
There's so much more to see
Our hopes, our dreams designed with destiny
We were fashioned with passion
A burning desire to know the One who made us more
He made us more than skin deep
'Cause we are more, we are more than skin deep
So much more

We are more than the future
We are more than the past
We were made to bring glory
Given souls that will last
We are more than our bodies
We are more than the grave
We were bought by His blood
And from ourselves we've been saved


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ZoeGirl Lyrics
ZoeGirl Room To Breathe Lyrics

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