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Freestyle- Smackdown 2003-03-20 Lyrics

Artist: Wrestling Lyrics
Album: World Wrestling Entertainment

This goes to every hip hot artist giving me no respect.
Why don€™t you step up to me? You€™ll get bounced like a bad check.
So hip hop hates me, cause I don€™t rhyme about gats.
And I€™m a white kid rockin€™ throwbacks and pinwheel hats.
I don€™t care about how many microphones I get in magazines.
I got my own flow, you can have your mainstream.
I€™ll out rhyme you with anything that I say to ya.
I€™m making an open challenge at WrestleMania.
In front of 50,000 I€™ll expose your mistakes.
And piss all over you like you was urinal cakes.
I€™m taking over hip hop and the wrestling ring.
That€™s why I€™m fully focused on the Next Big Thing.
I was laughing last week when you got beated you meathead.
It was funny watching the Vanilla Gorilla turn beat red.
You can€™t handle losing Brock, you turn into a sore sport.
And crippled Eric Angle, tried to cut his career short.
You think that€™s funny? Messing with people€™s lives?
Next week I€™m coming to Smackdown. Let€™s see if you survive!
I€™m harcore like porno flicks. You€™re softballs like slow pitch.
Here comes the real pain Brock. Payback€™s a bitch!


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