Lyrics Depot is your source of lyrics to Squeeze Box by The Who. Please check back for more The Who lyrics.

Squeeze Box Lyrics

Artist: The Who
Album: Squeeze Box

Mama's got a squeeze box
She wears on her chest
And when Daddy comes home
He never gets no rest
'Cause she's playing all night
And the music's all right
Mama's got a squeeze box
Daddy never sleeps at night
Well the kids don't eat
And the dog can't sleep
There's no escape from the music
In the whole damn street
'Cause she's playing all night
And the music's all right
Mama's got a squeeze box
Daddy never sleeps at night
She goes in and out and in and out and in and out and in and out
She's playing all night
And the music's all tight
Mama's got a squeeze box
Daddy never sleeps at night
She goes, squeeze me, come on and squeeze me
Come on and tease me like you do
I'm so in love with you
Mama's got a squeeze box
Daddy never sleeps at night
She goes in and out and in and out and in and out and in and out
'Cause she's playing all night
And the mu
Mama's got a squeeze box
Daddy never sleeps at night


by OJ on 3/27/2012 2:43am
I've heard this was about an accordian, but I'd like to think it's more to do with a banjo and has nothing to do with perversion.

Simply about a woman who loves music, plays it "all night" and checks in and out of reality according to the tune.

As for The Who, well...the music's alright!!!

The Who Lyrics
The Who Squeeze Box Lyrics

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