Lyrics Depot is your source of lyrics to No Aphrodisiac by The Whitlams. Please check back for more The Whitlams lyrics.
No Aphrodisiac Lyrics
Artist: The Whitlams
Album: Eternal Nightcap
A letter to you on a cassette
'Cause we don't write anymore
Gotta make it up quickly
There's people asleep on the second floor
There's no aphrodisiac like loneliness
Truth beauty and a picture of you
You'll be walking your dog in a few hours
I'll be asleep in my brother's house
You're a thousand miles away
With food between your teeth
Come up for summer I've got a place near the beach
There's room for your dog
There's no aphrodisiac like loneliness
Truth beauty and a picture of you
There's no aphrodisiac like loneliness
Youth truth beauty fame boredom and a bottle of pills
There's no aphrodisiac like loneliness
You shouldn't leave me alone
There's no aphrodisiac like loneliness
Bare feet like a tom-boy and a crooked smile
Truth youth beauty fame boredom red hair no hair innocence
Saturday and a picture of you
A letter to you on a cassette
You shouldn't leave me alone
Forty shaved sexy wants to do it all day
With a gun-totin' trigger-happy tranny named Kinky Rene
Tired teacher twenty-eight seeks regular meetings for masculine muscular nappy-clad brutal breeding
While his wife rough-wrestles with a puppy all aquiver
on a wine-soaked strobe-lit Asiatic hall of mirrors and a dash of loneliness
There's no aphrodisiac quite like it
Truth youth beauty fame boredom red hair no hair innocence impunity and a picture of you
I got a video set-up me love you short time she pay me suck his finger with some fine wine
The Whitlams Lyrics
The Whitlams Eternal Nightcap Lyrics
More The Whitlams Music Lyrics:
The Whitlams - Breathing You In Lyrics
The Whitlams - End of Your World Lyrics
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The Whitlams - You Gotta Love This City Lyrics
the whitlams FTW!
Love this song
this song's nice. i get tingles wenever i hear the chorus!
Awesome song!
And a lot of it is true!
clever lyrics
utterly prolific!
I feel so alone when I hear this. what a statement and such a raw soul
You forgot Poland
Any reason you don't have the last lines of the song?
And a dash of loneliness, ..... etc
Why are the last few lines missing? Any particular reason?
Last few lines are:
and a dash of loneliness
Truth youth beauty fame boredom red hair no hair innocence awkwardness impunity
and a picture of you
LOL knowing what aphrodisiac means makes this song so much funnier.
I love this song... why isn't the dash of loneliness etc. part there though? This is a depressing song, but I love it, I can listen to it over and over :)
@Fire_valkyrie - I know, I didn't know what it meant so I looked it up. FTR (For The Record) if you don't know, it's:
A Sexually Arousing Drug or Food, haha
One of the best songs ever!
knowing what the words mean doesn't make the song funny, it makes it intelligible
The smell of an unwiped anus is an aphrodisiac to men.
Nice, george.
For years I only every listened to the first part of the song and I wrote it off as a soppy ‘missing you song’.
I finally heard the whole thing and looked up the lyrics. I love it how the situation degenerates so quickly. Very clever.
I could not agree more with all, but George
There is a stunning version of this sung by "John Farnham" on his "I Remember When I Was Young" CD. If you like this song, I implore you to listen to Farnham's version. One of the top 5 singers in the World and he does this one tremendous justice.
I love this song. I grew up listening to it and I think the lyrics are very clever.
To make this lyrics page better, the last 2 lines need to be there.
I never get over this song. Lyrics are very clever. Tells an excellent story in such a short time, and there's a lot of truth to it.
This man is a genius, the whole band incredible. I was lucky enough to hear them live, meet them after the gig, at the time of this album release and success.
I even have a signed thirty! Lol
but Yes one of many brilliantly written songs from Tim