Lyrics Depot is your source of lyrics to No Aphrodisiac by The Whitlams. Please check back for more The Whitlams lyrics.

No Aphrodisiac Lyrics

Artist: The Whitlams
Album: Eternal Nightcap

A letter to you on a cassette
'Cause we don't write anymore
Gotta make it up quickly
There's people asleep on the second floor
There's no aphrodisiac like loneliness
Truth beauty and a picture of you
You'll be walking your dog in a few hours
I'll be asleep in my brother's house
You're a thousand miles away
With food between your teeth
Come up for summer I've got a place near the beach
There's room for your dog
There's no aphrodisiac like loneliness
Truth beauty and a picture of you
There's no aphrodisiac like loneliness
Youth truth beauty fame boredom and a bottle of pills
There's no aphrodisiac like loneliness
You shouldn't leave me alone
There's no aphrodisiac like loneliness
Bare feet like a tom-boy and a crooked smile
Truth youth beauty fame boredom red hair no hair innocence
Saturday and a picture of you
A letter to you on a cassette
You shouldn't leave me alone
Forty shaved sexy wants to do it all day
With a gun-totin' trigger-happy tranny named Kinky Rene
Tired teacher twenty-eight seeks regular meetings for masculine muscular nappy-clad brutal breeding
While his wife rough-wrestles with a puppy all aquiver
on a wine-soaked strobe-lit Asiatic hall of mirrors and a dash of loneliness
There's no aphrodisiac quite like it
Truth youth beauty fame boredom red hair no hair innocence impunity and a picture of you
I got a video set-up me love you short time she pay me suck his finger with some fine wine


by roller chiki on 5/16/2008 11:59pm
by refdd on 8/3/2008 10:39am
by 2 tru on 9/13/2008 1:03am
the whitlams FTW!
by John on 10/21/2008 11:46pm
Love this song
by angellife123 on 12/7/2008 2:30am
this song's nice. i get tingles wenever i hear the chorus!
by Tilly on 12/19/2008 2:30am
Awesome song!

And a lot of it is true!
by Pinter on 1/21/2009 6:14am
clever lyrics
by mick on 5/9/2009 6:43am
utterly prolific!
by christina on 7/31/2009 1:14pm
I feel so alone when I hear this. what a statement and such a raw soul
by :) on 10/7/2009 11:30pm
You forgot Poland
by Beastie on 2/3/2010 6:49am
Any reason you don't have the last lines of the song?

And a dash of loneliness, ..... etc
by Harleygirl92 on 6/3/2010 11:20am
Why are the last few lines missing? Any particular reason?
by Superman on 9/24/2010 6:05am
Last few lines are:

and a dash of loneliness
Truth youth beauty fame boredom red hair no hair innocence awkwardness impunity
and a picture of you
by Fire_valkyrie on 10/24/2010 2:29am
LOL knowing what aphrodisiac means makes this song so much funnier.
by Brooke on 4/10/2011 5:05am
I love this song... why isn't the dash of loneliness etc. part there though? This is a depressing song, but I love it, I can listen to it over and over :)
by Errie on 4/11/2011 11:22pm
@Fire_valkyrie - I know, I didn't know what it meant so I looked it up. FTR (For The Record) if you don't know, it's:
A Sexually Arousing Drug or Food, haha
by Hagen on 8/26/2011 7:04pm
One of the best songs ever!
by j on 1/24/2012 4:07pm
knowing what the words mean doesn't make the song funny, it makes it intelligible
by george on 5/23/2012 10:01pm
The smell of an unwiped anus is an aphrodisiac to men.
by CyanideSpark on 3/30/2013 7:56pm
Nice, george.
by ferrisb on 6/25/2013 4:36pm
For years I only every listened to the first part of the song and I wrote it off as a soppy ‘missing you song’.

I finally heard the whole thing and looked up the lyrics. I love it how the situation degenerates so quickly. Very clever.
by luka on 7/28/2013 5:56am
I could not agree more with all, but George
by Alf. Morley. on 1/13/2015 4:46am
There is a stunning version of this sung by "John Farnham" on his "I Remember When I Was Young" CD. If you like this song, I implore you to listen to Farnham's version. One of the top 5 singers in the World and he does this one tremendous justice.
by The Monkey From Down Town on 7/20/2015 9:39pm
I love this song. I grew up listening to it and I think the lyrics are very clever.

To make this lyrics page better, the last 2 lines need to be there.
by breakherlegs on 10/15/2015 3:19pm
I never get over this song. Lyrics are very clever. Tells an excellent story in such a short time, and there's a lot of truth to it.
by Debs on 11/7/2015 10:59am
This man is a genius, the whole band incredible. I was lucky enough to hear them live, meet them after the gig, at the time of this album release and success.
I even have a signed thirty! Lol
but Yes one of many brilliantly written songs from Tim

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The Whitlams Eternal Nightcap Lyrics

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