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Keep on the Churnin' Lyrics

Artist: The Ozark Mountain Daredevils
Album: The Car Over the Lake Album


layin' round makin' butter from the cream

I know that we seen each other in a dream

my heart starts yearnin' when I'm all alone

so keep on churnin' till the cows come home

keep on churnin' and don't go slow

keep on churnin' everybody knows

you got to keep on churnin'

or it just don't mean a thing

fryin' pan's goin' crazy on the stove

a blue sky's growin' hazy in the cold

if I'd quit now it'd surely be a sin

I got to keep on churnin' till the end begins

keep on churnin' it ain't no lie

keep on churnin' till the day we die

we got to keep on churnin'

or it just don't mean a thing

love is like honey from a bee

found in the bottom of an old oak tree

it may sound funny but it's a shame

if you lose your honey, then you lose the game


keep on churnin' it ain't no lie

keep on churnin' till the day we die

we got to keep on churnin'

or it just don't mean a thing

layin' round makin' butter from the cream

I know that we seen each other in a dream

my heart starts yearnin' when I'm all alone

so keep on churnin' till the cows come home


keep on churnin'

keep on churnin'

keep on churnin'

keep on churnin'

keep on churnin'

go to keep on churnin'

keep on churnin'

keep on churnin'

got to keep on churnin'

got to keep on churnin'


Lyrics are copyright 1975, 1976 John Dillon


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The Ozark Mountain Daredevils Lyrics
The Ozark Mountain Daredevils The Car Over the Lake Album Lyrics

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