Lyrics Depot is your source of lyrics to WIND OF CHANGE by Scorpions. Please check back for more Scorpions lyrics.
Artist: Scorpions
Album: Best
Music :Klaus Meine
Lyrics:Klaus Meine
I folow the Moskva
Down to Gorky Park
Listening to the wind of change
An August summer night
Soldiers passing by
Listening to the wind of change
The world is closing in
Did you ever think
That we could be so close, like brothers
The future's in the air
I can feel it everywhere
Blowing with the wind of change
Take me to the magic of the moment
On a glory night
Where the children of tomorrow dream away
in the wind of change
Walking down the street
Distant memories
Are buried in the past forever
I folow the Moskva
Down to Gorky Park
Listening to the wind of change
Take me to the magic of the moment
On a glory night
Where the children of tomorrow share their dreams
With you and me
Take me to the magic of the moment
On a glory night
Where the children of tomorrow dream away
in the wind of change
The wind of change
Blows straight into the face of time
Like a stormwind that will ring the freedom bell
For peace of mind
Let your balalaika sing
What my guitar wants to say
Take me to the magic of the moment
On a glory night
Where the children of tomorrow share their dreams
With you and me
Take me to the magic of the moment
On a glory night
Where the children of tomorrow dream away
in the wind of change
Scorpions Lyrics
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my best ever song i had hear till now in my life..........
tasha is right! is the best song. let´s face it, this is not only the best ballad!
how a great song
good song.i touch my mind. specially the music
Sexxxyyyyyy songg!
Great song! my 14 years old brother made me read the lirics! It`s great!!!
wawwwwwwwww!!!beautiful lyrics :D
perfect ~~~~~~~~~~!!!!!!!!
one of the best sond i ever heard !!! great-- old time rock > simply the best
AWESOME!!!!!!gr8 song...they saw the need of tomm....
Hi, scorpions fans .
Isn´t this the very best song about the worlds feelings? I enjoy it... Like many say it AWESOME love you
This is great... just great
es grandiosa balada
Love it. I play this song on guitara ;D
Thanks from depth of my heart for this lyrics.I really love this evergreen song.
Very good song... music even better!!! Superrrrrb
amazing song. been listening to it all my life with my dad, but now that i am older, i understand it. i love it.
Beatiful, especially for a person who lived in USSR... Kinda gives it special meaning
this really is one of the greatest songs ever... I LOVE IT!!!
I can't stand this whiney crap. Klaus is a two-bit hack.
The beset song i ever listening in my life
My song better. It make governments fall. Make barren female fertile. Cure erectile dysfunction and cure heartbreak of psoriasis. My song make the blind see and deaf hear and the lame to dance with joy.
like to say Shakira ... the children are first ... I love this song
This is wonderful song which i listen to in my life.
This is wonderful song...
and when I listening this song,I listen my heart,because my love goes forever!!!! :(
Dule never mind :(
It's one ofthe most wonderful songs!Here in greece no one hear's songs like these........!:{
great song very meaningfull lyrics
vey meaningful
i like this song very much esp the words that touch deep into my heart
i like this music very much
aweosum song
good song, it was an inspiration to me and the band.
enchanting song reminds me of the care free days back in the ninties....beauuuuutiful song!!!!
Great Music Hope Every thing is Possible
tis is my favorite song...
The song is great! It's so meaningful and beautiful...
the best song ever.always makes me cry
very very very nice music . fuck you all
the song makes me cry whenever i hear it.
zajebiste:) :P
Such an amazing song
song with best lyrics ever
can be heard forever, even my grand kids will like it
great song i love it peace
Wonderful lyrics and music.
Nice...just the way I like my rock balads...high on musical tension and abstract in the lyrics...wonder what it is about? :)
that a great song when i heard by the first time, i said its awsome
Great and inspiring song. Long live 80's music.
some of the lyrics are wrong
This song is super powerful and has a great message!
great, muito bom, nice, fixe
this song is fantastic my favorite
It's the best song, it is a special meaning for the mankind, this song was made in a historical moment in the world, full inspiration... Simply beautiful. Congratulations SCORPIONS!!!!
This song celebrates the end of socialism, and its backward and weak ideology. Long live freedom.
Wonderfull song,meaningful and can touch the hearts of many, only if listened wholeheartedly.
its a wonderful song and has a lot of emotions in it.everyone must listen to it
always loved this song its so smoooth yes it is meaning full and heart throbbing, its a sorta we belong song
the best song in the world
I saw this song played live on Tuesday.Had me in tears.these guys have a lot of energy and love.God Bless the Scorpions
Wonderfull song, one the best of them
it's ok
song has alot of semtinatl value.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
only the people that lived in the comunist period will know the true semnification of this song...
Bitchin' solo!
TUNE, one of the best love it!
ovo je najbolja pisma ikad otpivana obozavan je
Amazing song.....Wind of change...
my bro thought it was donkey park LOLOLOL
nice.i can feel the wind.
amazing number.
in a word jotiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil(Bangladesh)
my "my first time" song
This song still gives me chills when I hear it. It's one of those rare 'moment in time' songs for me: there was so much hope in the fall of Soviet bloc communism...
'Change Has Come to America'
OBAMA CAPTURES THE PRESIDENCY...The Winds Of Change is coming in 2009!! I can't wait!
Godspeed Obama!
LOL....Sad that the younger generation doesn't get/grasp this song...The lyrics to "Winds Of Change" celebrate the political changes in Eastern Europe at that time – such as the Polish Round Table Agreement and fall of the Berlin Wall, the increasing freedom in the communist bloc (which would soon lead to the fall of the USSR), and the clearly imminent end of the Cold War.
i love this song, it reminds me of a friend i lost, as this was his favourite song. its a sad but beautiful song... RIP Jason, love u 4eva lil bro xx
this song is wonderful
fattafatty song i like this song more than my girlfriend
Claus & the team
Daleke uspomene su sahranjene u proslosti is wonderful
ooh em ge... i <3 this song...
pjesma je zzakonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn
Wonderful lyric,music and music video.Absolutely amazing.
Wind Of Change ! Take me back to the 80's I hate this era!
Roossian soldiers in the Gorky park, they sure listen to the wind of change, then spit and go to shoot Georgians or whoever happens to be in the way of great mother russia. Keep dreaming, friends, of peace from roossian soil, keep dreaming...
Who's ever gonna believe that "germans" ( A Hard-Rock-/Heavy-Metal-Band from Hannover) can make such a great song
amazing song!!! brilliant lyrics!!!
great song,love it :D:D
i absolutely adore this song...
Every metal band of the 80's had to try and make a great ballad. They all tried, some failed miserably, others did quite well. The Scorpions made more than one or two, they were the best, and this one was top five of all without question.
chulada de cancion
gReAt sOng.The theme of this song is brilliant.
MaYnE, daT song KicKs ass
scorpions; you was, you are and you will rest the best
Here's the wind of change Lyrics.
simply superb
very nice song!!
scorpio is the best of best
Awesome song, scorpions all the way
awesome........... best among the rest
i love very much scorpions they are fantastic
This song can inspire many people , especially people involved in politics , to bring change and peace.
A great song
The best song ever!
The Wind of change...South Africa salutes you!
...'n nasie wat weer op sal staan.
Greetings from India. Great song for the Children of Tomorrow.
one of the THE BEST SONG i would like to hear every really god gifted............hats of to SCORPIONS.......
My favorite song. Makes me cry
you are the best group scorpions no kidding ggggggggggggggooooooooooooo
I listen this song just coz its my brother's fav...& now even mine:) Amazin lyrics!
Listen carefuly, I wil say this only once: Scorpions are the best band ever and wind of change is my personal favourite..! Adore it or leave!
yea, a great song
I love this is an ever green. i can play it over and over repeatedly. listen to the lyrics
this song is awesome... omg the BEST
love the song thanx for the lyrics rock on
love this songg
I love this song
I can play this with guitar :D
This songs has the super high quality this super band is well known for
It so is apt to current global situations...
i have to learn it on guitar,,great song,,love it
superb song...........
always thought they said donkey park, thought it was a petting zoo
there's nothing more to say...the song is beautifull!!!!
it's the wonderfull song
ileke it..
yes Scorps definitely rock!
this song will always be special to me because 18 years ago I went to a concert a month before I met my hubby & as I listened to this song I knew that a change was going to happen in my life and it was my destiny
that's the best song ever good job scorpions
that's the best song ever good job scorpions keep going.ah iwant to ask you something please write a song which will have my name inside PERIS
My favorite song of Scorpions.
it's my favorite song. it's really touchfull. I love scorpions very much
the best song that i ever listen...thanks scorpions...
Ïîæàëóé, ñàìàÿ èçâåñòíàÿ è ëþáèìàÿ ìíîé ïåñíÿ. =)
i am hearing this song for past fifteen years but i still loveit
I touch my heart after listening this wonderful music.And my heartbeat is falling.Thank you scorpions.NO WAR PLEASE
The whistling is amazing and soulful
this song just rockkkkkkkksssssssss...........!!!!!!!
the BEST!!!!!!!ãáìÜåé ôï ôñáãïýäé!!! åßíáé ôÝëåéï!!
One of the greatest ..
And realy amazing...
the best incredible
tune is awesum so is the sng
wonderful and appropriate when first introduced, but does it apply in this day and age? I long for the days of USSR supreme power!
Our TD let us hear the song when we visited the Berlin Wall.Awesome!!! Long live freedom!
This song really captures the feeling of mankind exercising its freedom. The spirit of man can't be contained; not even by oppressing dictators. We were all born free.
My Alltime Favourite song.... touches my heart whenever and wherever i hear it...
Gr8 music..!! :-)
OMG this song is so beautiful i cried when i listened this song...
pfft, its inspiring, but it aint no gangstah rap to get down wit.
Thanks mrs scorpion!!!
I've heard this song since it came out...and have always liked it, but only now (after reading the lyrics) do I TRULY understand it. Its about the fall of the Soviet Union and just like so many other great bands, this Scorpion song is just as fresh today as it was way back then.
The Song of the Berlin Wall Fall...
Its indeed a wonderful song.One among my favourites
A wonderful song and a great group I enjoy a lot of listening
Undoubtedly one of the soul-stirring compositions...
I haven't understood about what the song want to say us. But now i know, it's amazing think how Die Scorpions were feeling when they did this! Beautiful<3
Scorpions is one of my favorite bands, they always have the best ballads and overall best songs
First time I heard this song, I just happened to be reading a book about Russia, and Gorky Park, amazing how things connect in life....
the best song i ever heard in my life its the coolest gift from scorpions to all of us
beautifully sung with top lyrics and enticing music
super pjesma!!!!!!!!!
The fall of the wall, baby. The end of communism started with the people. Their attitudes changed. The Wind of Change is blowing in The U.S.A as we realize that Liberals want to destroy us. Tea Parties,protesters, etc. The Wind of Change. A VERY CONSERVATIVE NATURED SONG.
damn.... the one who says this is crap... jus F*u*c*K OFF... awsum song, amaxing lyrics..... scorpions rulez
this song is very lovely and heart touching and like this song more than everything really great.........
Awesome !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I like this song...
a super song.touchy!!!
are they talking about zeitgeist? I see how "winds of change" sound better. lol
Nice melody.
I was in Berlin..east and west Berlin 2 months after the wall came down. People were still carving out pieces of the wall as were we. It was a sureal experience. Freedom was ringing everywhere. Hope for the people from East Berlin...along with a fear they lived with for decades.
god everytime i heard this song, it makes me crazy.. it really touches my heart. wind of chage.!!!
the best song ever I love it
One of the awsome song i have ever heard... great lyrics...i love to sing this song everytime i hear it...
it touches my heart
it's a good soung. Congratulations
One of my favourite songs!!!
A nice old song that sounds fresh every time i listen to it
kandi forever
A great song that has relevance in America for the Republicans, coz soon they will be gone, just like communism. And good riddance! Long Live Freedom!
This is what I need to listen for!
This is the best song,,lyrics amasing,
i mean this song gives you life ! and hope !
Awesomeness in its perfection.
Scorpions aren't awesome:
Awesome is Scorpions!
One of the greatest songs of all time.
Wind of change rocks!!
I still listen to it and i still love it. It still gives me goose bumps.
Great. Very meaningful. God Bless
The s0ng w0ndrful. I like it
legendary song
"Where the children of tomorrow share their dreams"
We are/were the children of tomorrow
"The wind of change
Blows straight into the face of time
Like a stormwind that will ring the freedom bell
For peace of mind"
Its our turn to ring Freedoms bell!!
Love this song, its for our time...
manda rin ako kumanta
I heard this song on the radio the other day and had not heard it in years. I have always loved the song and it has withstood the test of time as anything of superior quality does. Such beauty and poetry.
quite a masterpiece of soul touching song.I love it.
love it.
this is the coolest song!!!
This song is timeless and so moving. I am from the US, my wife is from Russia, so it has a powerful and particularly poignant message to me. My Russian family is amazing. I am truly blessed to have them in my life.
"The world is closing in
Did you ever think
That we could be so close, like brothers?"
We are all of the human spirit. Let us embrace each others' diverse cultural heritage and seek out freedom (winds of change) through peaceful dialogue and respect for one another. There is too much killing in the world.
"Amazing song"
This is one song i did not want to end. Awesome song!!!!!!
a very good song .i like lyrics are expresive.i love gays:X:X:Xamazing
very best song ever in my life....this is awesome.
For Misr, Libya, Tunisia, Algeria, hatta al Quds wa FALASTINNN ! The Wind of Change is coming :)
love the music, love the lyrics, love Klaus Meine's voice..
awesome song..:)
Totally brilliant... Shup an listen to what has to be one of the greatest songs ever!!! lmao Well done guys... Keep on Rocking
I really love this Song. 1 of the best songs that i ever heard in my life
best ever best song
actually this song touch my heart.really awesome.................!!!!!!!
kaim ha
o-o-o-utstanding s-s-song!!!!!
One of my all-time fav's!!
if only this our selfish and wicked leaders could listen to the voices of scorpion ,then there will be a great change in the world[thanks very much scorpion for the message}let other artist learn from there.
"where the children of tomorrow share thier dreams" beautiful!
Has overwhelmingly stood the test of time!
This song reminds me of the 1st day I didn't have to worry about 100,000 tanks crossing the Fulda gap and the day I stepped across the former "Iron Curtain" and celebrated with my former opponents. I always tear up.
salute, scorpion keep rocking
The best song ever heared! Big up Scorpion. In tanzania the wind of change is coming
This song is so touching. Go on Scorpion. I'm feeling your songs big time!
Awesome song!
it is the best song..........i hav no words.......well written..n..well sung...
I usually like new songs. But I have to admit, this song tops my list.
Its "Better than the BEST"....
I like this song, because it is about freedom! I am a patriot! Do you understand me? :)
I have always liked this song since childhood.
Outstanding, super, wonderful, its prominent@ this is the best
I'll never forget when I first bought this album. Scorpions rock forever.
Very good song, i realy love this song.
I just lost a good friend and coworker this week who started the winds of change in our work place, I turned on the radio and this song was playing, thanks Scorpions for the memories and the inspiration to continue the fight for change. This song always has brought a tear to my eyes whenever I hear it.
Poo Song
nice song
this is the best song my u scorpions....
it's really a fuking awesome song
scorpions really fuking geneous
itz d best evr dedicatd 2 humanity...d sorrowz f wrld war2 r diz sng made me undrstnd dt dea r sm hu care 4r diz humanity..n humanity iz haz nt died in d burning ashez f ww2..
C'est de la merde cette chanson!!! Vive Limp Bizkit!! Behind blue eyes!!!
So This, is what the dream feels like, this is the victory we long for
Great Song...... I it very very much
it fill up my all sadness. Simply outstanding!
I always think of the w0rld war two and the cold war, the berlin wall and such. This song really getting the strength of east germany to blast off fighting the soviet union. Long live scorpion and unification of germany :)
I love this song. I heard the 10 tenors sing it live, and it sent chills down my spine. Great harmony.
Its just awesomeeeeee.
pos que rola mas chida, que viva el chegue vara
My cat's breath smells like cat food.
Its a great meaningful song.....!!!
"The world is closing in
Did you ever think
That we could be so close, like brothers" gets me everytime.
Easy listening,verry well..
evergreen song. very inspiring.. the winds of change.
you need to let use here it on the website
you need to let use here it on the website and great song
i realy like this song
the best <3
great ever!
It's not only song... It's philosophy of changing rules of everything... Loving this evergreen song since My first listening.
Absolutely mind blowing Song.. The very best of heart-touching songs.
awesome song
Beautiful song!
Lasting forever.
awesome song the first time my aunt had let me hear this song....n it was the best song ever.....awesome...keep it up scorpians..
ryt meher its an awesome piece of art
Nice song
This song just fixes and freshen up my mind
If only the World Leaders would listen to this song, then maybe all the madness would stop and the Children of tomorrow would definitely see their dreams fulfilled. Such truth in the words of this song!!!
I really loved this song..
The best.. scorpion in the world.. I love you..!!!
I luv this song i luv really really i luv i miss him scorpion..............??????
This was sung around the time the Berlin Wall came down, so it has sweet memories - I sat on my couch in USA watching on TV regular people break the wall with sledge hammers and crying cause my relatives in East Germany were finally free...
Brings back memories of a girl friend from early 90's.
Sounds like commentary on the former Soviet Union.
Nice one n v good music
This song reminds me of coming home from a holiday in Spain with my parents and brothers and this song wa playing on the radio. That was back in 1990/1991. Every time I hear this song, it takes me back to family time that once was, now my family is broken. Both my parents are dead now and I don't have much contact with my siblings.. It's bitter sweet for me, remembering happy times that make me sad... x
Most beautiful song & lyrics & amazing band , this rock band from Germany rock's
One of the best songs in the music history
Very nice song :-)
not only a good song but a little profetic fot its time(sorry for my lack of spelling people like to trash for that here ive seen)
Who was the Astronauts voice at the end of this? It's not You feed the dog ill feed the fish....not her
With the changes in society in U.S. In recent weeks there are walls coming down and change almost as sweet!
Great song
Great music, awesome lyrics!