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Nostalgia Lyrics

Artist: Nitin Sawhney
Album: Beyond Skin

One day perhaps we will come back to this country and bring our children to show them you know
And what we had to sacrifice to be in that country you know.
But I think in the initial state that we had a lot of struggle
But with god€™s grace and his kindness we are okay now and our children are okay as well

Dreams, dreams, dreams, dreams
I can feel your dreams, dreams
I can see you
I can touch your memories
But I can€™t hear you
I can feel your dreams, dreams
I can see you
I can touch your memories
But I can€™t hear you
Words that fall like ???
Worlds that echo in your eyes
I can€™t taste
I can€™t feel
I can€™t reach across a thousand years
I can almost touch the soil beneath your whisper
I can almost feel the hopes you left behind
I can almost touch the soil beneath your whisper
I can almost feel the hopes you left behind
Words that fall like tears from trees
Worlds that echo in your eyes
I can€™t taste
I can€™t feel
Thousand years
I can€™t hear you
I can€™t see you
I can€™t taste
I can€™t feel
Thousand years
I can€™t taste
I can€™t feel
Thousand years
I can€™t taste
I can€™t feel
I can€™t reach across a thousand years
I can€™t taste
I can€™t feel
I can€™t reach across a thousand years
I can€™t taste
I can€™t feel
Thousand years


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Nitin Sawhney Lyrics
Nitin Sawhney Beyond Skin Lyrics

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