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My Skin Lyrics
Artist: Natalie Merchant
Album: Ophelia
Take a look at my body
Look at my hands
There's so much here that I don't understand
Your face say these promises
Whispered like prayers
I don't need them
Because I've been treated so wrong
I've been treated so long
As if I'm becoming untouchable
Well content loves the silence
It thrives in the dark
With fine winding tendrils
That strangle the heart
They say that promises sweeten the blow
But I don't need them, no
I don't need them
I've been treated so wrong
I've been treated so long
As if I'm becoming untouchable
I'm the slow dying flower
In the frost killing hour
Sweet turning sour anduntouchable
Oh, I need the darkness
The sweetness
The sadness
The weakness
Oh, I need this
I need a lullaby
A kiss good night
Angel sweet love of my life
Oh, I need this
I'm the slow dying flower
In the frost killing hour
Sweet turning sour anduntouchable
Do you remember the way that you touched me before
All the trembling sweetness I loved and adored
Your face saying promised whispered like prayers
I don't need them
Oh, I need the darkness
The sweetness
The sadness
The weakness
Oh, I need this
I need a lullaby
A kiss good night
Angel sweet love of my life
Oh, I need this
Well is it dark enough
Can you see me
Do you want me
Can you reach me
Oh, I'm leaving
You better shut your mouth
And hold your breath
And kiss me now
And catch your death
Oh, I mean this
Oh, I mean this
Natalie Merchant Lyrics
Natalie Merchant Ophelia Lyrics
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I think this song is kind of depressing. I really like it though. I think shes singing about her boyfriend or husband. I love the sound of the piano keys!
It is very nice song. I like the sound of the piano.
What she is talking about is abuse. Wether it be her or someone else.
"They say that promises sweeten the blow"
Abusers usually make promises or give gifts after beating their lover or child.
"Content loves the silence" means that she feels content being silent or it will happen again.
The melody is depressing but its actually inspiring because she does realize she needs to leave.
It is a sad song, and gets me crying... I adore the violin and her vocal parts!
Fabulously sad song. Great piano, Great voice. I think it suits Professor McGonagall out of Harry Potter, i'm sure she has so much that she hides.
i'm the jack in the box that went to one of your shows,;what does catch your death mean?
I have never thought of this song as abuse.
I always just presumed she was speaking of how she felt unable to love as she had before but got hurt in the process of.
This song is inspiring and I have tought myself how to play it on the piano.
Life is sweet and Kind and Generous are also good songs.
Anyone else have any ideas on what this song is about?
I read that it was about loosing love and then finding through lonliness, into comfort and then new love.
This song is very good :* and lovely
haha u guyss r a lil wrong.. this song is about anorexia or an eating disorder most likely anorexia
reread it and think about it
promises are to be thin
I think it relates perfectly to the way bells feels about edward in the book 'new moon' by stephenie meyer, the sequal to'twilight'. Both amazing books. Read them all!
Love this song. Its so emotional. I think it could mean many things. Like, she wants us to use our imaginations to link the lyrics with our own lives.
According to the always right Wikipedia... "My Skin" is a Natalie Merchant song from her second solo album Ophelia. The song's theme appears to be the story of a woman whose husband has fallen out of love with her, the different emotions she feels and her final resolution to leave him.
I think this is about a lover dying and speaking to her other lover that will live on without her... just my interpretation tho.
Beautiful song, I love the piano's tones. I agree, it sounds like it's about abuse and being hurt.
This song is honestly, I think the saddest song I've ever heard. The piano sounds so nice, and her voice, it's I think what really makes it amazing, and even though I didn't understand this before, I think I understand now when they mean that someone's voice shows their feelings. Her voice in this song really just makes it stand out. And I was really surprised and OMGed when someone said that it related to Twilight because for me it did too, except I was hearing it in the third book, Eclipse, when
Bella tells her feelings to Jacob, and they kiss
and that just got me so (I admit) disappointed with Bella I just put this on replay and cried. It wasn't until later that I REALLY heard it. Gah. Too long post.
i have been molested and had so many things happen and this so always makes me cry. i told my mum i want her to have this at my funeral because it explains me.
I definitely thought of this song during New Moon (twilight saga), during her zombie like state.
When she talked about just going through the motions and feeling like the whole was ripping itself wider and wider.
This song makes me cry so hard. It's beautiful. I have an eating disorder and I can relate the lyrics to how I feel. It was also used a few times on hollyoaks with the hannah ashworth anorexic storyline. I don't think it is about eating disorders though. x
I don't think it needs to be about anything specific. Like being abused or someone falling out of love. It's just about feeling pain inside and felling trapped and having nowhere to turn. But at the same time you don't want to change it because it's what you've always know and if it goes away then your whole world will be exposed and fall apart.
This song is sooo beautiful! It makes me cry every time!! I think it is about how her boyfriend/husband promised her everything, and he didn't keep the promise...It's an amazing song! I totally freaked when i read that someone related it to Twilight because it is perfect! I love the vocals and the piano!
It doesn't really matter what the true meaning of the song is, her voice alone is simply amazing, coupled with the music the song can be what you make it. To me it puts me in a different place and time that just lets me imagine whatever I want.
this is a song from one woman to another
this song makes me cry
I couldn't agree with you more Faster. What i gorgeous song and what a gorgeous soul she has!
This song is definately not about abuse...It's about...When you love someone and give them your heart and soul, but they don't give anything back. Lots of us women do it (Men too, they just don't admit it to their male friends.) She gets promises but no comfort...No Sweetness, Openess, sadness to share, nothing to share...just words to keep her around. She threatens him at the end, not actually leaving, still thinking about kissing him...It is the saddest, most heart-wrenching song, ever!
this song, depresses me.
but i love it <33
This song has sooo much meaning. A very beautiful song, i like depressing songs once in a while, because everyone needs to be sad sometimes. And it kind of makes you a little bit sad:P
wow the vocals at the beggining of the song. My god thats so sad and beatiful and the piano and the violin wow
It's about Ophelia and Hamlet isn't it?
It's about abuse, from my viewpoint anyways. And no matter what you think it is about, it revolves around hurt. I love this song, it helps me through the almost unbearable patches that so frequently bloom their ugly thorn covered flowers into my life. And yes, sadness can also be a beautiful gift, because it makes us settle down and think, instead of being euphoric all the time. :)
Just a sidenote:
"Contempt", not "content" loves the silence and "Your face saving promises", not "Your face say these promises." Before attempting to analyze the lyrics of a song, it's best to make sure they are the correct ones. Checking the official site of the artist solves this problem.
i keep seeing this on Brooke Davis vids, especially after she got.. well.. beaten. and yeah. It makes me think of that. And i'm sad.
The comments that suggest the song is about physical abuse might be valid, although at times we neglect emotional abuse as an equally distressing concept. For example, the whispered and face-saving promises that soften the blow can be taken concretely and literally or can be assumed more formally as a figurative reference to any pain resulting from internalized dissonance - whatever the external source. In any event... beautifully articulated.
i believe this song is about an abusive boyfriend as well. i think she's trying to break free of him, but obviously is having trouble and can't.
it's such a good song, there should be more like this in the world.
this song is about bulimia and how her husband or boyfreind dosent love her as much anymore because of it
i have always lovd this song, but like some of the others it reminds me soo much of twlight, the second book when edward leaves her and she misses him she needs his kiss.
she needs his lullabye.
she need the darkness.
it is so ironic the way it fits.
this song reminds me of cameron from house md. there's this amazing video on youtube called "Allison Cameron - As if I'm becoming Untouchable"
go check it out.
I seem to recall an interview with Ms. Merchant at the time of Ophelia's release that My Skin was "about" a woman suffering from cancer. The lyrics express her distress and feelings of alienation as her husband increasingly sees her only as her disease. He talks to her differently now, touches her differently now, ever aware of the presence of the disease. Anyone else remember this?
It's not "content" it's contempt.
Contempt loves the silence, it thrives in the dark...
sheesh people.
it suites (i dont mean to be laim) intwilight the really famous part 2 of it (new moon) when the boy leaves the girl.
I luv the song! BEAUTIFUL PIANO! But I've thought that the name should be: 'Untouchable' Also, just to throw out there...if ur looking for a really great song, try: 'Beauty From Pain' by Superchic[k] p.s. sorry if any spelling was off, im a horrible speller!
I did this song for my town's annual talent show and everyone was crying because my town's mayor had just been molested. I won 1 prize, though. (The mayor was a judge)
great song for new moon
in harry potter they play that song on you tube and talks about how hermione gets pregnant
This song reminds me of the character River Tam from the TV series Firefly. Very fitting for her.
cool song
its actually "contempt" loves the silence
I read on Wikipedia it's about a husband who has cheated on his wife.
i love this song...its so beautiful
i love this song..
the lyrics, the melody, the vocals, everything!
i saw a great fanmade newmoon trailer with this song..
it's really great!
i think it also fits Melanie & Wanderer in The Host.. :)
i love to listen to this song whenever i'm upset.. :D
this song reminds me of my eating disorder so much, it makes me really sad. but puts the struggling and pain into perspective for others..
me encanta esta canción.
First of all, Wikipedia is NOT a reliable source of information--anyone can go in an change whatever is put on there. I can see where this song could be about abuse (both mental and physical) as well as an incurable disease--cancer included.
This song is about abuse and its effects on ones soul. She has been treated wrong--and treated for the effects for so long (by his condescending promises). Also, she may be saying she doesn't need his promises to stay, but his sweetness, a lullaby,a kiss goodnight; him, the way he had once been. There are different forms of abuse--there is emotional abuse, and neglect. She (the singer-writer) is dark, she is hurting, she is brooding. She's turned it all inward--making her untouchable, but she wants to be touched--but, he won't--so, she's leaving before her inward turmoil spills out to kill either herself, or her lover. This song is hauntingly gorgeous in every way--the lyrics match the music perfectly--as well as ones mood.
Ok, I LOVE Twilight, don't get me wrong, I'm obsessed, but how in the HELL can any of you believe it's similar to any of the books?! First, Edward NEVER told Bella she was ugly...yes, he lied to her about not loving her in New Moon, but this song is much deeper than that. AND, Bella never left Edward. She would super glue herself to him if she could.
This song is one of the most beautiful songs I have ever heard and I hope the rumors of a new album in the near future is true.
kinda of sad when u relate it to urself....i luv it!
i thought this song is about self an eating disorder. how you fall into your disease and feel utterly untouchable and want to crawl out of your skin.
I think that it's...."your face saving promises", instead of "face say these promises."
Beautiful song. Has been one of my favorites for years...
I agree with the one who mentioned the eating disorder.
Its like a message I would send to the one I love, to show him the pain I'm feeling right now.. this is my favorite song, I love it so much.
This song was played when Dana on The L Word dies from complications due to breast cancer and her lover walks up and sees her dying through the hospital window. I will always think of that when I hear this song. Very beautifully written and the piano is perfect.
I love this song. The piano part is so beautiful! I need to teach myself this song.
I'm a Merlin fan and i've just watch this tribute with this song in really matches with Merlin especially after series 2 as he loses so many people.
This is the most hauntingly beautiful song I have ever heard. It always brings me to tears. And since the first time I ever heard it was in the commercial for the Humane Society, it brings to mind the hundreds of thousand of animals who are abused and abandoned and needing loving homes. Please rescue an animal today!
actually.. I think this song is about a love/hate relationship where the guy treats her badly, not necessarily abuse though, but she can't leave because she loves and needs him.
First she says I need this, and then 'I don't need this'.
I don't think she leaves in the end like someone suggests cause it says 'kiss me now'.
i have an eating disorder and i can relate to a lot of the lyrics in this song, but i think i remember the interview that anon mentioned (above) where the song is "about" a woman with cancer
i honestly think that no matter what the song is actually about, it just means different things to everybody, based on who they are and their experiences. that's really part of why it's such a beautiful song, that it can speak to so many people on that kind of level <3
I forgot I had this album until they used this song in an animal abuse ad for a certain charity(not that I don't want to give the charity props, I honestly just can't remember if it was HSUS or ASPCA!) What a blessing to remember though...1 thing though, I always thought she was saying" you're face saving promises..."
this song has alot of meanings one of them being abuse it doesnt have one meaning.
To Anon- thank you for that! I look at this song so differently now. I never even saw it as abuse to begin with, but for me, more personally, as a person with mental illness trying to make a relationship work, bc that's MY life. Anyway its even more sad for me now
I think it suits Sirius Black from Harry Potter. It's so sad.....Describes the way he was treated.
heya listen to the song kiss the rain and then read the part out of new moon where edward leaves bella in the forest listen to both kiss the rain and that part of the book together and you will b cryin
I love this song and the beautiful cello parts.
I've never seen this as abuse related though i can see how it fits....ive always thought of it as she had skin cancer(explaining why the title is 'my skin') and he's promising things will be alright while she's dying and she knows its a lie but he keeps saying thoes 'face saving promises'
The line 'ive been treated so long' could be the cancer treatment shes reciving
'ive been treated so wrong' as if everyones treating her diffrently
then 'as if im becoming untouchable' everyones backing away as if touching her would infect them and that would also explain the last part
'You better shut your mouth
And hold your breath
And kiss me now
And catch your death'
as if shes forcing him to or he's forcing himself because she's going to die soon which would be the 'oh im leaving' part
thats just my 2 cents worth :)
Well, I think it suits Ophelia, from 'Hamlet', really. Not just that Hamlet ends up abandoning her and treating her like crap, but his brother is out too. And his father has died. She's all alone. And she goes mad. It's just an interpretation! (:
I believe it's about a sweet women that fell in love with a guy that in the beginning promised her the world and told her what she wanted to hear he led her on to believe he was content but spent his nights with another women the part about twines and heart meaning was his sweet words caught her heart but also would hurt her heart she loved him so she put up with she felt she was nothing without him she was confused why he wasn't attracted to her anymore when she just longed for his love and his touch she wasn't the same anymore she felt unworthy and bitter she eventually had enough and if she couldn't have him nobody could and it drove her to kill him
It was written for a friend who died of aids.