Lyrics Depot is your source of lyrics to One Day In Your Life by Michael Jackson. Please check back for more Michael Jackson lyrics.

One Day In Your Life Lyrics

Artist: Michael Jackson

One day in your life
you'll remember a place
Someone's touching your face
You'll come back and you'll look around you

One day in your life
You'll remember the love you found here
You'll remember me somehow
Though you don't need me now
I will stay in your heart
And when things fall apart
You'll remember one day...

One day in your life
When you find that you're always waiting
For the love we used to share
Just call my name
And I'll be there


You'll remember me somehow
Though you don't need me now
I will stay in your heart
And when things fall apart
You'll remember one day...

One day in your life
When you find that you're always longing
for the love we used to share
Just call my name
And I'll be there



by amanda mason13/5/13 on 5/13/2013 9:41am
thank you very much for my lovely kind thoughts i am madly in love with you ian i know i cant help it neither i am not telling no one not even my sister neither can ibe yours again for ever
by amanda mason10/7/13 on 7/10/2013 10:18am
as i am in love with you ian ellingham i hope that you are back tomorrow i hope so as iam still not happy un til i see you again
by amanda mason 27/9/13 on 9/27/2013 10:40am
is it nessary that you ian ellingham really love me or not i dont mind if you dont i will have archie in stead please let me have one day iin your life
by amanda mason 11/6/14 on 6/11/2014 8:50am
i have just come back from malta had lovely time with mathew and daneil and they were lovely i want to go back again be cause i miss them.
by amanda mason 8/7/14 on 7/8/2014 9:51am
as i have got some one else his name is nick from the bupa care home in hatfeild peverel but i dont have to worry about my sister she will not know.
by amanda mason 8/12/14 on 12/8/2014 8:45am
i was up set last night trent whideon because you came out of strictly come dancing becacuse i love you . very much.
by amanda mason 1/1/20 16 on 1/1/2016 7:51am
i can not under stand that i have meta person that every body dont know about whic his name i can not mention be cause i have met him along time ago if ido mention his name i wll land in trouble again

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