Lyrics Depot is your source of lyrics to When The Saints Go Marching In by Louis Armstrong. Please check back for more Louis Armstrong lyrics.
When The Saints Go Marching In Lyrics
Artist: Louis Armstrong
I: We are trav'ling in the footsteps
Of those who've gone before
But we'll all be reunited (But if we stand reunited)
On a new and sunlit shore (Then a new world is in store)
V: O when the Saints go marching in
When the Saints go marching in
O Lord I want to be in that number
When the Saints go marching in
And when the sun refuse (begins) to shine
And when the sun refuse (begins) to shine
O Lord I want to be in that number
When the Saints go marching in
When the moon turns red with blood
When the moon turns red with blood
O Lord I want to be in that number
When the Saints go marching in
On that hallelujah day
On that hallelujah day
O Lord I want to be in that number
When the Saints go marching in
O when the trumpet sounds the call
O when the trumpet sounds the call
O Lord I want to be in that number
When the Saints go marching in
B: Some say this world of trouble
Is the only one we need
But I'm waiting for that morning
When the new world is revealed
(As Intro)
V: When the revelation (revolution) comes
When the revelation (revolution) comes
O Lord I want to be in that number
When the Saints go marching in
When the rich go out and work
When the rich go out and work
O Lord I want to be in that number
When the Saints go marching in
When the air is pure and clean
When the air is pure and clean
O Lord I want to be in that number
When the Saints go marching in
When we all have food to eat
When we all have food to eat
O Lord I want to be in that number
When the Saints go marching in
When our leaders learn to cry
When our leaders learn to cry
O Lord I want to be in that number
When the Saints go marching in
Louis Armstrong Lyrics
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oh when the saints
oh when the saints go marching in
oh lord how i want to be in that number
when the saints go marching in
eu achei muito legal
this is a great gospel song god bless u all in jesus name amen
no no nono je si pas commi dire mi la chansoun elle est tri tri tri ben
i luv dhis sonng...its great to do it to
love this songg xoxo
i love this song because i know it all but the thing is that it does not come on with the music on this website so i dident really want to sighn up for you but i did anyway yours sincerly from leah kalkan
As soon as our government claims Peace & Security on earth with World Order and sinful mandates imposed on us all using the mark of the beast, as it is written, we WILL see the saints (with our lord) come marching in. Wake up America! Hope and change is a pipe dream if it does not fit the will of god. I thank-you for this song.
As soon as our government claims Peace & Security on earth with World Order and sinful mandates imposed on us all using the mark of the beast, as it is written, we will see the saints come marching in. Wake up America! Hope and change is a pipe dream without our creator. I thank-you for this song.