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Mercy Lyrics

Artist: Lisa Cerbone
Album: Mercy

When she walks across the street, they push right past her, can't see what she's seen, they don't know that her hands have touched inside the earth, felt a heart start and stop beating. She has mercy. She's too lost in a daydream, her son floats towards her, legs look so small under the water, memory so clear, she can almost feel him close to her again, and she's there. Opens her arms, she's there. Mercy. Mercy. She has mercy. Can you feel it? She looks into glass sees her young self, pregnant too soon. They told her her life was ruined, but they never saw what she has made. She was just another lie marching through their gossip parades. There are lots of lies you'll have to muddle through. With mercy. Mercy. She has mercy.


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Lisa Cerbone Lyrics
Lisa Cerbone Mercy Lyrics

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