Lyrics Depot is your source of lyrics to Karma by Kamelot. Please check back for more Kamelot lyrics.
Karma Lyrics
Artist: Kamelot
Album: Karma
I am a king of honor
gold and glory
but every king must also die
have I been just and righteous
what is glory
I know I've torn and taken life
and here I stand
a small and simple man
who will trade his karma for my kingdom
a sacrificial rite to render truth
the fire in my soul rejects my wisdom
cause all you do in life comes back to you
I am a king in crisis
counting minutes
there is an ending to my reign
my sins have come to face me
I can feel it
that I have lived my life in vain
and now I know I'll reap
the seeds I've sown
who will trade his karma for my kingdom
a sacrificial rite to render truth
the fire in my soul rejects my wisdom
cause all you do in life comes back to you
am I mad
I feel so void and cold
who can tell
who holds the stories untold
tired and trembling
I am descending
will I have to stay here
and live this life again
Kamelot Lyrics
Kamelot Karma Lyrics
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lovley SOng Hohohoho!
Too good lyrics.......
this song fucking owns
esta cancion definitivamente es un chimbota
terrific song =] simply great
Sounds like paladin song ;D
La mejor rola que yo haya escuchado de Kamelot y la mejor del mundo para mi. Sus letras son profundas y en cierta forma la musica me inspira algo, algo que arde en mi pecho.
Letras increibles☺
The lyrics and the music is just ABSOLUTELY AMAZING! I love Kamelot...and I especially love this song
I Love this song a LOT!!!!!!
i love kamelot!! and karma is one of the best songs
Great song one of their best!!!!OO I LOVE KAMELOT!!
this song cool and rules man
A message worth living by - All you do in life comes back to you.
coool ... love camelot
best songs ever!!
GREAT song...
(and all of their albums)
the first time i listened to this song was 3 years ago , all that time i thought he was saying :
a sacrificial right To Win the Truth :P
GREAT SONG , even if you didnt understand it well for the first time :P
walk on water. this band is god.
I thought it was bend the truth
great lyrics
wow those are some kick ass lyrics.
Woow it´s amazing song, the truth of live "cause all you do in life comes back to you"... No puedo creer lo increible que es esta canción!!! Good lyrics!!!
great lyric.
Mini album out soon n then the official 2010 album can't buzzin w8 n kamelot.....YOU FUKIN RULEEEEEE!!!!! I LOVE U KHAN seeing you march 26th in Koko arena :p
It`s a great song...wonder lyrics... buen trabajo de kamelot...
First time i heard this i thought he said "sacrificial lie to learn the truth" and i kinda like that version but the real lyrics work too =)
frickin love kamelot, these guys are so boss
great song
me encanta junto con the haunting, farewell, moonlight, silence of the darkness and descent of the archangel
are great.
I am not a real fan of Kamelot but this sone is one of my best 10 all over the time !!
I fell in love with this song years ago and it is still one of my most favorite.
great song btw
that's deliciuos our feelings,,,that's forever ears my mind,,
nada mas desafortunate q nadar en sed del momento del enemigo cuandu ce avalaza en fechoriarez
This song is do awesome, this is also one of my favorite albums (Karma)