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Spirit Lyrics

Artist: John Denver
Album: Country Roads Collection

This song appears on three albums, and was first released on the Windsong album, and also on the The Country Roads Collection. It has also been released on the Live In London album, as a live track.

His spirit joined and so was formed
Ten thousand years ago
Between the swan and Hercules
Where even dark clouds glow

To live with grace, to ride the swell
To yet be strong of will
To love the wind, to learn its song
And empty space to fill

Apollo taught me to rhyme
Orpheus taught me to play
Andromeda cast down her sign
And vega lights my way

Smoke rings in a galaxy
An endless flight through time
Lyra gave her harp to him
And left him free to climb

A winters journey from the moon
To reach the summer sun
To rise again, to sing for you
A song thats yet unsung

Apollo taught me to rhyme
Orpheus taught me to play
Andromeda cast down her sign
And vega lights my way

His spirit joined and so was formed
Ten thousand years ago
Between the swan and Hercules
Where even dark clouds glow

To live with grace, to ride the swell
To yet be strong of will
To love the wind, to learn her song
And empty space to fill

Words and Music by John Denver and Joe Henry


by starling9600 on 8/12/2008 2:24pm
I love this song because it has to do with the solar system. I love john Denver. We love his inspirational songs.
by donut on 11/12/2009 5:50pm
Love it! Now that I've finally got the lyrics, I can sing it even louder!
by un fan du contry de John Denver on 2/20/2011 7:35pm
ses chansons sont des merveilles pour la reflexion en solitaire
by un fan du country de John Denver on 2/20/2011 7:39pm
ses chansons sont des merveilles pour la reflexion en solitaire
by mreddie1 on 4/19/2011 11:00am
The words and music are amazing together!
by skymaster on 1/16/2013 2:02am
I first heard this on the Windsong album back in '75. Never forgot it!I feel it's one of his best arrangements and lyrics. You can't not be excited by his word pictures and the fast-paced backup. WOW!!!
by bloodhound on 6/29/2014 10:25am
best song and my favourite

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John Denver Country Roads Collection Lyrics

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