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We Shall Overcome Lyrics

Artist: Joan Baez
Album: Carry It On

WE SHALL OVERCOME Words and Music by Zilphia Hart., Frank Hamilton, Guy Carawan
and Pete Seeger

(La melodia sembra sia stata tratta da un canto di pescatori siciliani del 17€™
secolo, trasportata in Germania dove diventata un inno protestante, e da qui
alle congregazioni €œbianche€? protestanti degli Stati Uniti del sud. E€™ stata
pubblicata per la prima volta come Inno negro in una versione modificata, nei
primi anni dello scorso secolo. Usata, nella forma attuale, negli anni €˜40 come
inno €œsindacale€? dai lavoratori degli Alimentari e del Tabacco del
Sud-Carolina, e successivamente dai lavoratori delle scuole popolari del
Tennessee. E€™ usata tradizionalmente per chiudere tutti i congressi

We shall overcome,
We shall overcome,
We shall overcome, some day.

Oh, deep in my heart,
I do believe
We shall overcome, some day.

We€™ll walk hand in hand,
We€™ll walk hand in hand,
We€™ll walk hand in hand, some day.

Oh, deep in my heart,

We shall live in peace,
We shall live in peace,
We shall live in peace, some day.

Oh, deep in my heart,

We shall all be free,
We shall all be free,
We shall all be free, some day.

Oh, deep in my heart,

We are not afraid,
We are not afraid,
We are not afraid, TODAY

Oh, deep in my heart,

We shall overcome,
We shall overcome,
We shall overcome, some day.

Oh, deep in my heart,
I do believe
We shall overcome, some day.


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Joan Baez Carry It On Lyrics

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