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Never Tear Us Apart Lyrics

Artist: INXS

Never Tear Us Apart

Don't ask me
What you know is true
Don't have to tell you
I love your precious heart

I was standing
You were there
Two worlds collided
And they could never tear us apart

We could live
For a thousand years
But if I hurt you
I'd make wine from your tears

I told you
That we could fly
'Cause we all have wings
But some of us don't know why

I was standing
You were there
Two worlds collided
And they could never ever tear us apart


by Ann on 12/18/2009 8:02am
Great song! If you have ever met someone who you know was kismet you would understand the words and the feeling of the music. It goes right to your soul.
by amanda mason 14/10/1 12 on 10/14/2012 11:36am
thank you inxs great song well done you lot did agood job i liked the song very much i hpoe the the group goes along way thank you alot inxs
by amanda mason10/5/13 on 5/10/2013 10:42am
this ones is a bit difficult for me be cause i miss you very much dan it hurts i hope that my sister doesnt know i hope you are the same man that i wanted long
by amanda mason 11/5/13 on 5/11/2013 10:48am
did i mention this to you about me and you to geather i am not worried about it neither it doesnt matter why i am in love with you i hope thanks
by amanda mason 3/10/13 on 10/3/2013 10:20am
thank you inxs for another great song as it was my favourite and then came the bee geees well done keep it up and keep on singing .
by amanda mason 23/11 13 on 11/23/2013 9:52am
thanks a lot that song will haunt me where ever i go it does not help neither when oan ellingham had left i had second thoughts but i had him for along time.
by amanda mason 4/12/13 on 12/4/2013 9:36am
thank you very much for the fun we had ian ellingham because i wish you were here and i want you back in my heart darling i hope so iam not telling my sister or tom gatehouse.
by amanda mason 9/2/14 on 2/9/2014 4:45am
i needed you for along time as i have missed you josh you were in braintree at the time did you miss me ihope you did.

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