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Jackass Lyrics
Artist: Green Day
Album: Warning
To know you is to hate you
so loving you must be like suicide
I don't mind if you don't mind
I'm not the one that's going to die
I guess I just can't listen
to this one sided conversation again
'cause I don't care if you don't care
No one ever said that life is fair
Everybody loves a joke
but no one likes a fool
and you're always cracking the same old lines again
you're well rehearsed on every verse
and that was stated clear
but no one understands your verity
The center of attention
got an honorable mention once again
congratulations and salutations
you're a figment of your own imagination
Everybody loves a joke
but no one likes a fool
and you're always cracking the same old lines again
you're well rehearsed on every verse
and that was stated clear
but no one understands your verity
To know you is to bait you
and you fell victim to your own denial
I don't mind if you don't mind
if you're wasting all your time
Green Day Lyrics
Green Day Warning Lyrics
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i love this song and i makes so much sense ♥♥ love GD for ever!!!
I love this song, it's one of my fave that they've done. Its got quite a catchy tune to it! GD=Love
Ive listened to Green Day for many years now, and this HAS to be one of my favorites.. Green Day for good or worse, they will allways rock our hearts!<3
this song was written about Blink-182. look at the lyrics again and think about who blink-182 is, and how the tried to upstage green day...... and failed.
peace! (:
you can't say they wrote this song about blink 182 if you dont know for a fact and since green day have never actually said we wrote this song about blah blah it's not right to let this stupid rumour continue on and just falsely ssume shit. honestly green day kick ass but blink are just as great and have songs that are just as good.
This guy is weird.. Greenday Kickass that's all!
I love Green day, and this is my fav song :)
Green Day <3
excellent song!
i want green day back to argentina
blinK 182 !!! Was muCh BeTter !!!That MoThEr fUcKeRS oF GrEEn day!! ARe SoLd !!
i like green day but if this song was written about blink-182 then fuck green day...blink is better
Yet again, your letting a rumour which was never verified get into your head. Like full said, no one has confirmed it was about Blink, just some idiot who has something against Blink and is trying to spread the shit in his arse to everyone.
Green Day <3 Blink 182 <3
yo guys the new green day album is comin' out in may 09
this song reminds me of my dad lol.
Green Day = Epic Win. This song is awesome sauce.
maybe they're writing this song about jackass...? =]
Green Day has been around since 1988. Green Day heavily influenced Blink and made them popular by letting them open for them. Green Day is better.
And this song is about Blink. He has confirmed it. They used to be friends but success got to them and they arnt jokesters they are fools. They arent funny anymore. I find it offensive that they are a band
Blink fucking sucks. shitty vocals, childish lyrics, boring plain songs. they're a shit band and will never be as good as Green Day.
come on even mark from blink sayed that green day opened the doors to a lot of bands so if green day wants to say fuck off to all happy punk bands they can do it
Great Song
they rock a sax in it for christ's sake... you don't get any more old school than that.
green day is better!!
these lyrics aren't about blink. they're both great bands and i can't decide which one i prefer. they respect each other and even went on tour together. and the song was released on 2000 and the tour was on 2002, so it's strange that GD would go on tour with a band they had criticized before. it makes no sense. and besides, GD had a majour influence on blink and they admitted GD is better. SO ALL THOSE RUMOURS ABOUT THESE LYRICS ARE STUPID AND MAKE NO SENSE. THINK A LITTLE BEFORE YOU SAY STUPID STUFF PEOPLE!
who cares if it's about blink or not? if i were blink 182 and green day wrote a song about us i'd be honored. blink 182 could appreciate and laugh about this song if it were about them :)
I like this song,...
I dont thnk this song is about was never confirmed...