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Alone Again Naturally Lyrics
Artist: Gilbert O'Sullivan
Alone Again (Naturally)
Gilbert O'Sullivan
Words and Music by Raymond O'Sullivan
-the # 8 song of the 1970-1979 rock era
-was # 1 for 6 weeks in 1972
In a little while from now
If I'm not feeling any less sour
I promise myself to treat myself
And visit a nearby tower
And climbing to the top will throw myself off
In an effort to make it clear to whoever
What it's like when you're shattered
Left standing in the lurch at a church
Where people saying: "My God, that's tough"
"She stood him up"
"No point in us remaining"
"We may as well go home"
As I did on my own
Alone again, naturally
To think that only yesterday
I was cheerful, bright and gay
Looking forward to who wouldn't do
The role I was about to play?
But as if to knock me down
Reality came around
And without so much as a mere touch
Cut me into little pieces
Leaving me to doubt
Talk about God in His mercy
Who if He really does exist
Why did He desert me?
In my hour of need
I truly am indeed
Alone again, naturally
It seems to me that there are more hearts
Broken in the world that can't be mended
Left unattended
What do we do? What do we do?
Alone again, naturally
Looking back over the years
And whatever else that appears
I remember I cried when my father died
Never wishing to hide the tears
And at sixty-five years old
My mother, God rest her soul
Couldn't understand why the only man
She had ever loved had been taken
Leaving her to start with a heart so badly broken
Despite encouragement from me
No words were ever spoken
And when she passed away
I cried and cried all day
Alone again, naturally
Alone again, naturally
Transcribed by Ronald E. Hontz with help from his buddy Wayne
Gilbert O'Sullivan Lyrics
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This song recalls my earliest childhood. Memories of my mother's undying devotion to her first born son. Me. At 64 years old, my mother g-d rest her soul... I'll miss her always, and always think of her, and cry, when I hear this song. Thanks, Gilbert.
Beautiful song from a fellow Irish individual..........a song that speaks with the heart and almost all can relate. I plan to get the best album..........what a beautiful voice.
a song that took about my very own life that still make me cry 30 years after that i hear it for the first time am from mexico so when i was ten y took my inglish spanish diccionary to understand the song......gilbert this is the most beautiful song in my life thanks a lot.
I remembered sneaking in to my older brother's record collection, and playing this song, crying and singing it at the same time!!!
I is sooo beautiful, and thankfully realized only today through the amazing world of internet that it was not your autobiography!!! When my own father passed away, the song came to mind and it makes me cry rivers to this very day!!! So much emotion!!!
This song makes me suicidal
I've lost my mother after my 1st husband. They still can't be replaced until today. Though I'm surrounded by people, I'm still alone... and that seems natural. So is the emptiness
Just about the VERY BEST song in the world........ so loving....
I grew listening to this song and Loved it. It always made me sad but I loved it just the same and no words ever came truer to me until my father died in 2007 and my mother is still mounring the only love she had ever truly love went home to be with God and still doesn't understand why he is gone. I cried like the song says and though my mother is still her, I too keep encouraging her as well, I can identify with this song on levels that I can't even explain. I can't even think about my mother passing, but know this song will continue to be my anthum.
thank you for a wonderful song
I was 7 years old when I fist heard this song. I'm 44 now and still love it
its sooooooooo close to my heart i was 7 years old when i first heard this on the radio i was sitiing on a big rock behind my house. I think that day I learned what music can do for the soul... still crying today how you touch my heart.. and your words rang so true.. thank you 40 years later.
i love this song so much, though i dont know why its so close to my heart...thank you so much gilbert for a very wonderful song.
When this song came out in 1972,Iwas "cheerful bright and gay" "Reality came around" JUST LIKE the song and worse. I have not and WILL never be the same. Beautiful song.
I first heard this song when I arrived in London to do my 'A' Levels. My room mate Marzuki played the song over and over again daily on his portable cassette player until I could almost memorised the tune and the lyrics until this very day. Very emotional song that everyone could relate to and certainly brought tears to my eyes when I listened to it again. Thanks Gilbert for touching my early life.
Just heard this song on the radio..Really breaks my heart to hear the lyric..father passed away..he died 5 years mother is still here with us..I'll cry all day..when she passes on..REALITY does bite!!! RIP DAD!! Love you forever!!!
sad song.
I remember when this song came out, I was pretty young, and didn't really understand the message or meaning of this song. I certainly do now.
Fitting for the movie Megamind. I had not heard it in years but when my kids were watching the movie and part of the song was played, I had to find it again. Good tune.
What ever is that erratic sounding acoustic guitar doing, in the middle distance. Sounds like the Player is enjoying him/herself, oblivious to the score. But, it adds depth and rhythm.
I didn't cry when my father died. My mother's death was the most pain I've ever felt. This song haunts me.
THE most heart wrenching love song EVER!! You are really there in the church when he's jilted. There again when his dad dies, and the image I have of him in my head when his mum dies - tears me to pieces! Love and always will love Gilbert!!
This has always been a deeply personal song for me since childhood.
Thank you, Gilbert for a truly timeless & wonderful song.
very emotional song..heart felt..well it..
It really brings back some great times. I was in New York with my dad at the time, and he would hum along until "alone again naturally" would play. He is gone now, I miss him. This song will always have a place in my heart.
nice ........very nice
My Father showed this to me the other day, saying 'this is the song your grandmother loved. She would always dance with dad, and I'd fight with my brother for the next dance. I miss her very much.'
I was too young to recall my grandmother today, but I know, somehow, even past all the religious prejudices and facts, and all my sinful moments and mischievous acts, she's up there, keeping an eye on her family.
I heard this song on the radio today and wanted to know every word of the lyrics. The part about the father dying always brought tears to my eyes years ago although my father was then alive and well. Now I hear the song and my mother and father are both gone so I can certainly understand 'alone again, naturally'. Thank you, Gilbert for a wonderful, moving song.
It has been a long time since I heard this song and the other day it was on the radio and it totally fits my life. I've never been left at the church or had much of a girl friend. It seems like the girls that I have really liked over the years just did not like me back as much as I liked them so I have pretty much been alone again and again naturally.I am now 65 years young. My father died in 1989 and I cried alot even though he hurt our family alot with his drinking and temper and my mom has not been able to walk for the last 8 years so I take care of my her instead of placing her in a nursing home. This severely restricts my being able to meet a nice lady so I am as usual ALONE AGAIN NATURALLY. It seems that is my purpose in life. Not much fun or joy. Wonderful tune though. Yours truly, ALONE AGAIN NATURALLY.
sad but amazing song lost my dad (best friend )in 2007 a man who worked his whole life to support 6 kids and a wife only to die 3yrs after can be so cruel.the world lost a great man that day.I LOVE YOU DAD AND ALWAYS WILL!!
Listen closely, sing along and read the lyrics, how can one not fell the pain. It's a song that explains the sad fact, and understanding that with nothing ALONE AGAIN "NATURALLY" is what we're left to accept, or death. Only in a mere hour or so, will we ever know. Will we be left Alone Again, Naturally?
The words don't match the cadence.
but that's hard to charm and I love the song it is me 40 years ago
A nearly perfect song about sadness and looming suicide. What I like is the timing sequence of the lyrics. Even though we hear about his father's death, followed by his mother's death, in the final verse, those events happened some time ago.... The more recent event (being stood up by his bride at the church) has just happened. And, the singer is about to end it all by jumping off a tower. Quite a serious/morbid subject in the context of a top-40 hit of the 70s....
The song is one of the mot beautifully realized set of lyrics about the reality of life and the pain that accompanies our relationships. Have love it from the first day I heard it in High School and it still moves me.