Lyrics Depot is your source of lyrics to Buttons And Bows by Dinah Shore. Please check back for more Dinah Shore lyrics.
Buttons And Bows Lyrics
Artist: Dinah Shore
(Spoken:) A western ranch is just a branch of Nowhere Junction to me.
Give me the city where living's pretty and the gals wear finery.
East is east and west is west
And the wrong one I have chose
Let's go where I'll keep on wearin'
Those frills and flowers and buttons and bows
Rings and things and buttons and bows
Don't bury me in this prairie
Take me where the cement grows
Let's move down to some big town
Where they love a gal by the cut o' her clothes
And I'll stand out
In buttons and bows
I'll love you in buckskin
Or skirts that I've homespun
But I'll love ya' longer, stronger where
Yer friends don't tote a gun
My bones denounce the buckboard bounce
And the cactus hurts my toes
Let's vamoose where gals keep usin'
Those silks and satins and linen that shows
And I'm all yours in buttons and bows
Gimme eastern trimmin' where women are women
In high silk hose and peek-a-boo clothes
And French perfume that rocks the room
And I'm all yours in buttons and bows
Dinah Shore Lyrics
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Loved it thanks. it brings back childhood memories of the infancy of TV.
Thanks! Wonderful.
My memory is of Bob Hope singing it in "Paleface", a wonderful movie!
Loved Bob Hope's performance of the song in "Paleface."
I never knew these clever lyrics were written by Dinah Shore. I thought it was from Annie Get Your Gun. A marvelous ditty!
I was born on the day this song came out.
I'm so glad to find these words.
I need them for a performance
Thanks for the lyrics, the memories these bring are priceless!
Oooh, What a good song.
Im only 13 and love this song.
Whenever I show my friends this song they think I'm retarded. ==
Hi Huyen,
I don't think you're retarded. I used to sing it all the time
when I was younger.
Check out an episode of Frasier called "Look Before You Leap" and watch the way Kelsey Grammer butchers this song because he's forgotten most of the words. It's drop-dead hilarious.
I've always had a hankerin' for Gene Autrey's rendition of this Western gospel.
Thank you so much Ice Cream truck plays song and I forgot lyrics
The song was written Jay Livingston and lyrics by Ray Evans. Dinah Shore just sang on her record. It has been sung and recorded on many records all the way up to a rap album in 1999 :D
I almost got all the words but,,, I am 80 yrs, & love to sing the old ones.
oh, the oldies <3 they're so much more timeless than the current rubbish they're churning from hollywood. songs with soul!
I learned this song as a teenager from the Dinah Shore Show. I also watched Doris Day as she sang this song in a western movie, the name escapes me. But I am still singing this song and I'm 71 years old!! I love it and am going to teach it to a young girl I know. I had boys and they really are not interested in Buttons 'N Bows. I grew up in the best of times -- in the 50's and sang in a girl's quartet at school. We sang this and many, many other songs and were very popular at school and every other place we sang. The music back then was the very best!!
I had this song going through my head as I was undergoing some dental work (they used laughing gas); I was humming buttons and bows and thinking of Bob Hope giving the guy the gas before he pulled the wrong tooth. Classic movie.
Mary VA - You and I are from the same era. I sang this song as a teenager, saw it in "Annie Get Your Gun," sung by Doris Day and loved it. I must teach it to Jory one day--a sweet little girl who would love to enact the motions to accompany the lyrics.
Springfield, VA. This song just popped into my head this afternoon but I could only remember a few lines so Google I did and voila! I'm going to suggest this to the leader of our group of singers who sing at retirement homes in the area. This is just the sort of song they love (and sing along with,) Thanks.
I took this record of Dinah Shore singing to my first grade class and amused the whole class when my teacher Mrs. Hamilton play it. I think even she was slightly amused, because she told my mother who was President of the PTA (PTO now)that she found my taste in music rather unusual, with a slight smile on her face.
Carol: I sang this song as a teenager, saw it in "Annie Get Your Gun," sung by Doris Day and loved it.
Interesting, as the song, which won an Oscar, was in "Pale Face" and Betty Hutton starred in the movie version of "Annie get Your Gun." Perhaps Carol is thinking of "Calamity Jane" and "Secret Love"?
This is such a great song and I can not get enough of Bob Hopes Rendition of it from the great classic movie The Pale Face with Jane Russel
I also sang it as a youngster. It drove my father crazy. I just loved Bob Hope's performance.
Thanks for the memories.
we are doing this in my spring preformance so excited
only one in a group of about 8 who answered a triva question about name of song from 'pale face' etc ....of course i was only one born in 1948!
Dinah's version has always been my favorite. so glad to see a 13 year old loves this, too. :)
This song was number one the day I was born, December 28, 1948. Years later I had a gift basket budsiness I named: Baskets, Buttons and Bows (I didn't know about this song being number one on my birthday at the time, I just found that out today)
There's a video on YouTube of these little girls singing this song. So cute. Search for Ittie Bitties.
We had the sheet music for this song (four sisters)on our piano and most of us learned to play it. Most of us still sing in occasional spontaneous moments of reverie.
Love the song!
I still have my red Minnie Mouse music box which still plays "Buttons and Bows" - I think my parents gave it to me to keep from having to sing this early childhood favorite song multiple times before I'd consent to go to sleep, when I was a toddler!
This tune popped into my head and I couldn't remembr all the words...THANKS
Frasier's version was better.
I believe I saw the movie. The song popped into my head the other night and my daughter said, "I've never heard that one." I told her
it was written before I left grade school.
I was born Dec.7th 1948'but all my life I hear "If your dad would of had his way he would of called you Buttons and Bows".Well needless to say my dad lost my mother named me after my grandmother who was actually Maggie. I thought of this today,so I went online to look for the words which it is cool now I got to get the music to hear it.Interesting
Love the lyrics and the phrasing. I like both the Gene Autry and Dinah Shore versions.
sang it as a young girl but never did get the line "my bones denounce the buckboard bounce" now at 78 I understand it
i sang this song for the parish priests visit to the national school in dublin about 1950 to the nuns horror and my mothers when she was told. i now sing it for my family in full voice for laughs. must pay attention to the exact words ! thank you
Mostly, I'm fascinated to read the comments and see the dates when they were written. I also want to say that it is a delightful song.
I am doing a Floral Arrangement for a Flower Festival in June. The thyme is Music Through the Ages and I have chosen "Buttons and Bows"
Really old is gold i love oldies
my parents had this song on a 33 1/3 album along with truly, truly fair & other great songs that I enjoyed in my childhood of the 50's & 60's. Another song was I'm an old cow hand from the Rio Grand, does anyone remember this album?
I think the album is Norman Luboff Songs of the West.
Glad I found this for inspiration. I'm designing a "crazy hat" for an event. It will be covered with buttons and bows. ( I hope I'm not the only one who remembers this oldie.)
watching an episode of Frasier and laughed at his hilarious rendition of this song where he can only remember a handful of words. Wanted to find the correct lyrics. Thanks.
I sang this song on stage when I was 8 years old! Have never forgotten the words but wanted to see what others thought of it. Am now 76, and still singing songs from the 30's 40's and 50's - mother was in show biz - I grew up singing while she played the piano - great memories!
To think that we auditioned for Ted Mack and the Original Amateur Show in the mid-40's. Gerry: sorry we missed your stage show: were you in the original Broadway production?
I hear this song since half a year on every day. i bought this shellack and i love it immediately
Hey Guys. Am just 22 I luv this songs like Damn crazy! .Actually Am not American Or English, am from Africa basically Nigeria. I watched the movie recently "The paleface 1948" and I am in Luv with the whole Plot of the movie. The story is Awesome and one uptown one, then I watched Buttons N Bows. Hey Honestly I Luv this songs, Bcuz it makes me feel like I belong to the Old age or whateva and I was born again in this New World. shout out to this guy who sang the song.Luv y'all.