Lyrics Depot is your source of lyrics to The Product by Die Toten Hosen. Please check back for more Die Toten Hosen lyrics.
The Product Lyrics
Artist: Die Toten Hosen
Album: Crash-Landing
You'll be glad that you selected
this product from our range.
We're sure that you'll enjoy it
and we hope you'll come again.
Always first with the technology,
performance and design
and we stand true to our maxime:
"The customer is right!".
You'll be glad that you selected
this product from our range.
We knew you had the money,
now we know that you've got taste.
You want the finest quality,
that's why you choose our brand,
where every song is custom-made
and always played by hand.
The music's really simple,
there are tunes that you can sing
and there's lots of lovely pictures
on the packaging.
You'll be glad that you selected
this product from our range.
And if you're not - we're sorry,
but it cannot be exchanged.
The money's not refundable,
don't bother to complain.
We're having such fun spending it -
please come again.
Die Toten Hosen Lyrics
Die Toten Hosen Crash-Landing Lyrics
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