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Na Na Lyrics

Artist: Continental Drifters
Album: Better Day

This is the story of my life
Somebody€™s little girl to someone else€™s wife
What happened in between
Is the dying of a dream
And that€™s the story of my life

This is how I spend my day
Wake up with the light and watch it fade away
What happens in between
Still remains to be seen
And that€™s how I spend my day

Do ya wanna hold me down?
I can look up with my head to the ground
And if that€™s all that you can do
To try to get to me
Well then I€™ll see you around
I€™ll see you around

Na na na na na na na na na
Na na na na na na na
Na na na na na na na na
Na na na na na na na na na

So how the hell do you sleep at night
I open all the windows
and keep my eyes shut tight
I€™m shooting in the dark
but i never miss my mark
I sleep very well at night

Do you wanna hold me down
€˜Cause I can see the stars with my head to the ground
And if that€™s all that you can to
To try and get to me
Well then I€™ll see you around
I€™ll see you around

Na na na na na na na na na
Na na na na na na na
Na na na na na na na na
Na na na na na na na na na

Na na na na na na (and I'll see you around)
(I'll see you around)
Na na na na na na na na na


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Continental Drifters Lyrics
Continental Drifters Better Day Lyrics

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