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Life Lyrics

Artist: Cat Stevens
Album: Izitso

Life you make it what it is
Love can change it with a kiss
Love can take you by the hand
Love can drop you where you stand

But still you want to have it all
You like to live it up
But still you want to have it all
I thought you had enough
But still you want to have it all
I thought you had enough

Life you make it what it is
Love can change it with a kiss
She can turn your head around
He can lift you off the ground

But still you want to have it all
You like to live it up
But still you want to have it all
I thought you had enough
But still you want to have it all
I thought you had enough

Love you make it what it is
Life can change it with a kiss
Love, love, love, love


by mukhaffif on 6/22/2013 7:42am

Cat Stevens Lyrics
Cat Stevens Izitso Lyrics

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