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Walk Away Lyrics

Artist: Buffalo Tom
Album: Buffalo Tom

Geez, would you just walk away
If you heard me say, say so
It's just a rainy day
Raining outside again
Now when it rains it pours
Outside open doors again
Geez, would you just walk away
If you heard me say, say so
Now when it rains it pours
Outside the old man snores
Raining outside
Geez, would you just walk away
If you heard me say, say so
It is just a rainy day
Rainin' outside again
Now when it rains it pours
Outside open doors outdoors
Geez, would you just walk away
If you heard me say, say so
Now when it rains it pours
Outside open doors
Rainin' once more
Geez, would you just walk away
It's just a rainy day


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