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Blood Brothers Lyrics
Artist: Bruce Springsteen
Album: Greatest Hits
We played king of the mountain out on the end
The world come chargin' up the hill, and we were women and men
Now there's so much that time, time and memory fade away
We got our own roads to ride and chances we gotta take
We stood side by side each one fightin' for the other
We said until we died we'd always be blood brothers
Now the hardness of this world slowly grinds your dreams away
Makin' a fool's joke out of the promises we make
And what once seemed black and white turns to so many shades of gray
We lose ourselves in work to do and bills to pay
And it's a ride, ride, ride, and there ain't much cover
With no one runnin' by your side my blood brother
On through the houses of the dead past those fallen in their tracks
Always movin' ahead and never lookin' back
Now I don't know how I feel, I don't know how I feel tonight
If I've fallen 'neath the wheel, if I've lost or I've gained sight
I don't even know why, I don't why I made this call
Or if any of this matters anymore after all
But the stars are burnin' bright like some mystery uncovered
I'll keep movin' through the dark with you in my heart
My blood brother
Bruce Springsteen Lyrics
Bruce Springsteen Greatest Hits Lyrics
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wauuuu!!!!the life.
wauuuu!!!! life.
But the stars are burnin' bright like some mystery uncovered
I'll keep movin' through the dark with you in my heart
My blood brother
A true poet.
I saw the second show after Danny died, with the full intro . Brings tears to my eyes everytime i hear it.
I lost my best friend in an accident and i cry everytime i hear this song, it explains exactly what went through my head when it happened. only a genius can write something like this.
Realy awesome song .. I LOVE IT<3 <3 <3
i've lost my best freind .he was snaild by terorists in 1997.he was 13yo.i still think about you toufik.
This song means so much to me. they play this evry year at Hemophillia Camp it a blood camp. it is really fun Thx Bruce For writing this
an amazing song....thanks bruce
Great song the lyrics always bring a tear to my eyes. I always think of my best friend Robbie from when I was twelve.
Affecting Lyrics...
Check out these changed lyrics to the last verse that Bruce played at the final show of his reunion tour about 10 years ago. Spectacular.
"On through the houses of the dead past those fallen in their tracks
Always movin' ahead and never lookin' back
Now I'm out here on this road
Alone on this road tonight
[I] close my eyes and feel so many
friends around me
In the early evening light
And the miles we have come
And the battles won and lost
Are just so many roads traveled
So many rivers crossed
And I ask God for the strength
And faith in one another
'Cause it's a good night for a ride
'Cross this river to the other side
My blood brothers"
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Brilliant. An absoloute legend!
so... i'm sitting in a coffeeshop, just heard this and turned to the lyrics. it is now 5 years post-katrina. i worked that with people going house to house, worked with people on the ground another 2 years after it all, talked to people who lost everything, even hope. my own family lost much, including one dear life. sometimes it just is what it is. and sometimes an artist nails it somehow, unwittingly even. somehow he puts it in context or at least gives it an epitaph. but this one is like an epitaph not just of memory but of hope. thx bruce.
My uncle died of cancer a couple years ago, and at his funeral, my dad read the lyrics to this song because my dad and my uncle were brothers and they were really close. Every time I hear this song I cry, and I think of the good times with my uncle. R.I.P Uncle Dan<3 I love you
Wish I could give this to all my battle buddies still out there for the good fight. The bond may not be blood, but we've all seen, breathed, lived through and lost a special spirit that saved another...Thank you to all whom I've fought with, and keep your hope alive! My thoughts and prayers are with you all! My Army, my family- HOOAH!! Love always, ~K~C~
I just recently had a friend die of an electicutional shock, delivered thru a metal pole from an electrical line. I was in charge of making his memorial video. I totally forgot about this song, looking back now this is the most perfect song for him. Chase died right before his 8th grade graduation.
This is a perfect song for Clarence from Bruce. I'm going to miss that bond that they always had together. It makes me cry. RIP Big Man
My "little" brother died last monday, 40 years old. We hadn't seen each other in 6 years, both too stubborn to just call or something.
Tomorrow will be his cremation, I have made all the arrangements with my mother.
My brother was a BIG fan of Bruce Springsteen, so there was no doubt what music will be played at his service.
As for what song I asked one of his best friends who immediately said "Thunder road", that was their song. I had to add some more songs and came across this one and include it as my own personal choice.....lyrics are spot on !
I'll keep movin' through the dark with you in my heart
My blood brother
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Fantastic lyrics!
Wonderful comments. The thing that gets me is the beautiful harmonica accompanied by the wonderful lyrics and melody. Thanks Boss...
If music were religion, Bruce Springsteen is HIGH CHURCH! Thanks Bruce, for this great unforgettable music you make, you are THE BEST!!!
I lost a very good friend last year. Each time I listen to this song, I get really moved because I realize that I could have been a better friend. God bless you, Bruce
We are hearing music from heaven. Truly a musical genius. The Mozart of this era...
« Ô privilège du génie ! Lorsqu’on vient d’entendre une chanson de Sprinsteen, le silence qui lui succède est encore de lui. »
My apologies to Sacha Guitry.
We are hearing music from heaven. Truly a musical genius. The Mozart of this era...
« Ô privilège du génie ! Lorsqu’on vient d’entendre une chanson de Springsteen, le silence qui lui succède est encore de lui. »
My apologies to Sacha Guitry.