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Bethlehem Tonight Lyrics
Artist: Brian McKnight
Album: Bethlehem
Virgin Mary was laden with child
The prophecy had been foretold
The One who had come to save our lives
Was born in the manger so low
And as sure as the stars are in the sky
Valleys low and mountains high
The newborn King was born
In Bethlehem tonight
Silent night, holy night
Bethlehem tonight
Silent night, holy night
Three kings brought gifts from far away
A boy came to play upon his drum
Skeptics saw truth and had nothing to say
The wonderful Savior had come
And as sure as the stars are in the sky
Valleys low and mountains high
The newborn King was born
In Bethlehem tonight
Silent night, holy night
Bethlehem tonight
Silent night, holy night
Behold our Redeemer from sin
There was no room in the inn
But still He left His throne on high
Shed His blood
To saved our lives, our lives
In Bethlehem tonight
Repeat out:
Silent night, holy night
Silent night, holy night
Brian McKnight Lyrics
Brian McKnight Bethlehem Lyrics
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