Lyrics Depot is your source of lyrics to So What Cha Want by Beastie Boys. Please check back for more Beastie Boys lyrics.
So What Cha Want Lyrics
Artist: Beastie Boys
Album: Check Your Head
Just Plug Me In Just Like I Was Eddie Harris You're Eating Crazy
Cheese Like You'd Think I'm From Paris You Know I Get Fly You
Think I Get High You Know That I'm Gone And I'm A Tell You All Why
So Tell Me Who Are You Dissing Maybe I'm Missing The Reason That
You're Smiling or Wilding So Listen In My Head I Just Want To
Take 'em Down Imagination Set Loose And I'm Gonna Shake 'em
Down Let It Flow Like A Mud Slide When I Get On I Like To Ride And
Glide I've Got Depth Of Perception In My Text Y'all I Get Props At My
Mention 'Cause I Vex Y'All So What'cha Want You're So Funny With
The Money That You Flaunt Where'd You Get Your Information From
You Think That You Can Front When Revelation Comes
You Can't Front On That
Well They Call Me Mike D The Ever Loving Man I'm Like Spoonie Gee
I'm The Metropolitician You Scream And You Holler About My
Chevy Impala But The Sweat Is Getting Wet Around The Ring Around
Your Collar But Like A Dream I'm Flowing Without No Stopping
Sweeter Than A Cherry Pie With Ready Whip Topping Goin' From
Mic To Mic Kickin' It Wall To Wall Well I'll Be Calling Out You People
Like A Casting Call It's Wack When You're Jacked In The Back Of A
Ride With Your Know With Your Flow When You're Out Getting By
Believe Me What You See Is What You Get And You See Me Coming Off
As You Can Bet I Think I'm Losing My Mind This Time
This Time I'm Losing My Mind
You Can't Front On That
But Little Do You Know About Something That I Talk About I'm Tired
Of Driving It's Due Time That I Walk About But In The Meantime, I'm
Wise To The Demise I've Got Eyes In The Back Of My Head So I Realize
Well I'm Dr. Spock I'm Here To Rock Y'All I Want You Off The Wall
If You're Playing The Wall So What'cha Want Y'All Suckers Write Me
Checks And Then They Bounce So I Reach In My Pocket For The
Fresh Amount See I'm The Long Leaner Victor The Cleaner
I'm The Illest Motherfucker From Here To Gardena I'm As Cool As A
Cucumber In A Bowl Of Hot Sauce You've Got The Rhyme And Reason
But No Cause So If You're Hot To Trot You Think You're Slicker
Than Grease I've Got News For You Crews
You'll Be Sucking Like A Leach
You Can't Front On That
So What'cha Want
Beastie Boys Lyrics
Beastie Boys Check Your Head Lyrics
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Love It!!
this is going to be in rockband 2!
Wow! I cant understand a damn thing haha! But still it is a nice song!
This song sucks really bad. The Beastie Boys should consider suicide. Maybe the sound of his face getting blown off would sound better than his voice. FAGS!!!
I strongly agree with Randy J. These guys have got more talent than most of the other bands combined.
Maybe the reality of hoss getting his face shot off by a fag listening to this song would be the only improvement.
this band kicks so much ass. gotta love em
this song is so cool
i think this song is about hoss and j-rich
hells yea it rocks, although i mostly like sabatoge and this song. but eh beastie boys arent all that good. just two of their songs
In Rock Band 2 All you have to do is make noise and you'll paswsthe song with 100 percent
this song is way to fuckin ridiculous, and is not very good, it flows like water at -40 degrees, and I should know, I live in Fairbanks Alaska, all we have to do is listening to music and sitting in the cold
Maybe BRENDON should purchase one of the albums (Check Your Head) and actually listen to the album instead of the radio. Stupid....
i think hoss is an idiot for saying this song sucks anybody with ears knows that this song is raw!
No one cares about Alaska, sorry.
This song Fucking rockksssss
hoss your a dooshbag.
these guys are more talented then most of the piece of shit artists out there today.
i think this song is fuckuin awesome so pixies friend is a fukin idiot if he thinks this song is ridiculouse
Hey hoss ur a fag and all u people that say beastie boys should go suck dick becuz that band is classic this was the first band to bring hip hop and rock together and make it sound good yo dude from alaska ur from alaska u have no fuking say go back in ur igloo
ok HOSS is a idiot. If you think the beastie boys suck then you have no taste in music. These boys were the beginning of rap. They pretty much started it all so go suck a dick
Classic. This song is BAD ASS.
dude, this song kicks ass, also sabotage, otherwise they all suck.
I'm As Cool As A
Cucumber In A Bowl Of Hot Sauce , love that part!
yo hoss u suck. these guys own
'Sup guys.
Fuck all you dumb assholes the beastie boys rock
Fuck all you dumb assholes the beastie boys rock
These guys are AWESOME! Screw anyone who thinks not!
you rock
you rock motherfuckers
the song is awesome
Oh shiiit this sonq kicks asss;]
The Beastie Boys are freakin legendary Hoss can go fornicate with an iron stick
i have listened to this song five times in a row without getting bored. yesterday i listened to Hello Nasty and Licensed to Ill over and over again. the beastie boys are the fuckin SHIT! i'll gladly knock anyone out who tries to tell me otherwise.
Beasties rock.
The end
Beastie's are a Hall of Fame lock. Critically acclaimed & commercially successful. They can't make a bad record.
Their wise to the demise with eyes in the back of his head! Yep, their the shiznit! :P
Song is the schnizzle, fools step down.
beastie boys run it
I like the Beastie Boys, but this song isn't their best. Good beat, but below average lyrics.
The beastie boys are in fact better then a lot of bands, but I only like an album or two of theirs
anyone who freakin dont LOVE the beastie boys sucks or are physicotic ! or however you spell it 3 best band EVER (sorry killswitch engage and hollywood undead or my firsts)
the biesty boys ROCK.
and so do I.
ps i ROCK!!!
pss they arn't as cool as me.
Beastie boys Rock so suck a dick
Beastie Boys fucking run this shit.. anyone who thinks other wise should be raped and shot.. in fact I would do it my self if I knew where you lived cunts
I thought only polar bears lived in alaska
The song's definitely catchy even though the lyrics suck major ass. This pgibby seems to be an Internet tough guy, beware.
To Hoss the Beastie Boys are awesome, u should consider suicide, and lastly u are the only FAG here who jacks off in ur dads mouth. YOU CAN'T FRONT ON THAT
Hit'em up
Fuck ANYONE who doesn't like the beasties. they were the shit a long time ago and they are still the shit now. so anyone who doesn't think so can go die in a hole. or just stop listening to the fuckin song! ex. hoss. the beastie boys kick major ass and id pay good money to see them beat the shit outta anyone who doesnt like em. so all you beastie haters go fuck yourselves
The Beastie Boys are just pure awesome.
The only song they made that wasn't epic was Namasti, and it was still pretty good. If you don't like 'em, go back to you're shock rap or pop or classical or whatever and stop ruining a perfectly good forum.
The spelling in here is awful.
i like it dc here this is the cell to reach 5712749256
can anyone tell me what this song is about exactly? or what you think its about?
The beastie boys are awesome and have been around before i was born I do remember one of the first songs i heard was so whatcha want in the third grade as i got older i was told the song was dising a popular rapper that stated the beastie boys would not make it far in there career well to the rapper that said that: LOOK WHERE THEY ARE NOW LOL
Rest in peace brother Yauch.