Lyrics Depot is your source of lyrics to Intergalactic by Beastie Boys. Please check back for more Beastie Boys lyrics.
Intergalactic Lyrics
Artist: Beastie Boys
Album: Hello Nasty
Intergalactic Planetary Planetary Intergalactic Another Dimension
Well now don't you tell me to smile
You stick around I'll make it worth your while
Got numbers beyond what you can dial
Maybe it's because I'm so versatile
Style profile I said
It always brings me back when I hear Ooh Child
From the Hudson River out to the Nile
I run the marathon just up until the very last mile
If you battle me I will revile
People always say my style is wild
You've got gall you've got guile
To step to me I'm a rapophile
If you want to battle you're in denial
Coming from Uranus to check my style
Go ahead put my rhymes on trial
Cast you off into exile
Intergalactic planetary
Planetary intergalactic
Jazz and Awol that's our team
Step inside the party disrupt the whole scene
When it comes to beats well I'm a fiend
I like my sugar with coffee and cream
Got to keep it going keep it going full steam
Too sweet to be sour too nice to be mean
On the tough guy style I'm not too keen
To try to change the world I will plot and scheme
Mario C likes to keep it clean
Gonna shine like a sunbeam
Keep on rapping cause that's my dream
Got an A from Moe Dee for sticking to themes
When it comes to envy y'all is green
Jealous of the rhyme and the rhyme routine
Another dimension new galaxy
Intergalactic planetary
Intergalactic planetary
Planetary intergalactic
From the family tree of old school hip hop
Kick off your shoes and relax your socks
The rhymes will spread just like a pox
Cause the music is live like an electric shock
I am known to do the Wop
Also known for the Flintstone Flop
Tammy D getting biz on the crop
Beastie Boys known to let the beat drop
When I wrote graffiti my name was Slop
If my rap's soup my beats is stock
Step from the tables as I start to chop
I'm a lumber jack DJ Adrock
If you try to knock me you'll get mocked
I'll stir fry you in my wok
Your knees'll start shaking and your fingers pop
Like a pinch on the neck of Mr. Spock
Intergalactic planetary
Planetary intergalactic
Another dimension do it
Beastie Boys Lyrics
Beastie Boys Hello Nasty Lyrics
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Beastie Boys are THE shit!
i like tangerines
yo dude i lov this song i am always listenig to it on demand yeah dude
Beastie Boys are the best electrical freak'n music by the trio
lol why am i even commenting
This song is the best
This song is da best!
the beastie boys are man beasts. just like michael phelps. and bo burnham
this sounds like a robot kickin it old school on american idol!!! aka it rocks
blue you are a fag.
I Fucking Love This Song.!!!!
hooooo yussss!!
intergalactic planet planet
plyanet plyanet eyinter gyalactic
This video is in the top 3 ever...My buddies and me are going as the intergalactic trio on friday
Beastie Boys Rock
Beastie Boy lyrics are insane.
Definetely represents white rappers.
Instead of Eminiem. :(
Thank God for the Beastie Boys!!!
Itergalactic rocks with coffee and cream
Blah blah blah. Eat it tards.
Go by the name of King Ad-Rock. Super educated I'm smarter than Spock. Everytime ya hear me you will agree... Ain't no brutha like the K-I-D.
*Long Live Beastie Boyz*
This song i think is good my man.
Beastie Boys Goooooooood Job!
this song iz da shiznit yo!!!
this song iz da shiznit yo!!!
thhis is the best song i ever heard in my life because the robot going intergalactic planetary i just wish to be like you. p.s. your song won't get out of my head and it might stay there all my life just to admit im a big fan
This is some cool lyrics. haha
I'm Brazil you New York
I like my sugar with coffee and cream, too :))
Nice. Some good lyrics to follow along with the song. Cheers
it sounds like to me like it says keep it going three times. :/
cant get it out of my head wot a song
listened to the beastie boys since 86 still the best
this rap electro is freaaakin awesome,, I looove the beastie boys :DDD
One of their best sizzongsz.
dude this song is tight i like the lyrics
OMG bacon
I love this.
this song owns!
You are alllll right the beastie boys are furshurrr theee SHIT!!!!
i lov thiz song itz asome
Better than all the mainstream crap these days.
One of the greatest songs ever
Leave beastie aloneee!!!!!
Dam I liksm ,ya .Bababooie boyz!!
Best song and lyrics...ever!!
Beastie boys are the best in the world!!!!!!!!!!
Fucking love this song! MCA has the hottest voice ever! Too bad hes like 50 these days, and im 16 lol any way this song is jizz-tastic!
i like this long i fan of them even my brother likes it please make more music or songs
this song makes me want to curl up in a ball and hide from society forever, and all i would have is an infinite supply of corn chips, the internets, and a cd with an infinite loop of this song and the gorillaz. my life is perfect now. i hope you all follow in my footsteps and do it to. also, alpackas rule. nuff said.
they are the best !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Theyre forgetting the part where the robot voice repeats "and I dont give a shit" :P
Rest in peace MCA
My all time fav, and one of their MANY classics. RIP MCA.
Classic Boyz, R.I.P. MCA ONE LOVE!!!!!!<3
Sometimes I eat my own ass!
still live in 2013 :D
Love the beastie boys this competes with so whatcha want as my favorite song by them :p
I was looking for lyrics on this song!
That is some dope shit.
this is the most beasty shit. It's a shame the original lead singer died not so long ago ):
Yo does any one listen to JJJ its got all sorts of cool music including this.
@Ghillie Will, it's MCA who died, the one with the raucous voice. The lead is Adrock.
Esta canción es increíblemente pegadiza, el robot es lo mejor lejos, y el hecho de q sea en Japón le da un extra muy copado!!