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Girls Lyrics

Artist: Beastie Boys
Album: Licensed To Ill

Girls - all I really want is girls
And in the morning it's girls
Cause in the evening it's girls

I like the way that they walk
And it's chill to hear them talk
And I can always make them smile
From White Castle to the Nile

Back in the day
There was this girl around the way
She liked by home-piece M.C.A.
He said he would not give her play
I asked him, "Please?" - he said, "You may."
Her pants were tight and that's ok
If she would dance - I would D.J.
We took a walk down to the bay

I hope she'll say, "Hey me and you should hit the hay!"
I asked her out - she said, "No way!"
I should have probably guessed her gay
So I broke North with no delay
I heard she moved real far away
That was two years ago this May
I seen her just the other day
Jockin' Mike D. to my dismay

Girls - to do the dishes
Girls - to clean up my room
Girls - to do the laundry
Girls - and in the bathroom
Girls - that's all I really want is girls
Two at a time - I want girls
With new wave hairdos - I want girls
I ought to whip out my - girls, girls, girls, girls, girls!


by Megan on 5/11/2008 10:43am
I love this song!!!
by kj on 5/13/2008 6:53pm
wheres the chrous im ssinging it at the talent show!!!im going to win 1st yeah!
by duh. on 5/15/2008 6:34pm
there isnt a chorus...duh.
by CATI on 5/17/2008 3:23pm
by Niunkal on 5/18/2008 2:50pm
This song is sooooooooo cool, my guyfriend started singing that, and I`m like OMG!!!! soooooooooo GOOD!! OMG
by dedede on 5/28/2008 11:40pm
Omg like this song is so girly aiii....chow and omg shout outs to my superstars :)
by Narc marc on 6/3/2008 12:09am
This song is really kool. A lot of my friends know this song and always sing it! And if u don't no how it goes then go to youtube and look beastie boys girls or listen to song on iTunes or sometin. GIRLS!!! All I really want is GIRLS!!!
by Tatiana on 6/4/2008 6:07pm
This song is the best! I love it! :)
by lol chorus.... on 6/7/2008 7:13pm
thats heresy
by rachel on 6/7/2008 8:27pm
dudes this is the best song on earth!!! this is like my first favorite song
by heffer on 6/11/2008 8:58pm
This is the greatest song in the world!!!
by Tough Critic on 6/11/2008 11:06pm
I'm a tough critic when it comes to song lyrics and I just have to say....THIS SONG KICKS ASS!
by rock superstar on 6/16/2008 2:29pm
This song is the shit cause all I want is girls girls and even more girls
by irma on 6/28/2008 11:05pm
dude i love this song but 4 me its the opposite boys
by Julian(jewls) on 6/30/2008 3:09pm
i Love ThIS fUCKIN sOng
by oops! on 7/5/2008 10:29am
I thought they were saying "squirrels" I'm so disappointed.
by .:PALITO GOMEZ:. on 7/7/2008 3:53pm
by JULIAN(jewls) on 7/18/2008 3:50pm
by philly im from philly on 7/25/2008 1:46pm
my dad downloaded this song on lime wire my mom really does do the dishes my room my sister does the bathroom
by sannie bananie on 7/30/2008 8:22pm
woop woop dis is mahh jam =]
ill i want is girls =]
by ECC on 8/1/2008 5:55pm
class song
by jamie on 8/9/2008 10:56pm
aaaaaah i love the beastie boys <3
by LoneWolf108 on 8/14/2008 9:36pm
me and my friends songs this on a roller coaster it was funny
by leti on 8/21/2008 8:40pm
aaaah i fukn love this fukn song ever!!
by muffstuff on 8/25/2008 11:10pm
this song is my legit life.
i respect the beastie boys so much for singing this song.

laughing my ass off. thats fabuous
by ZerGio on 9/6/2008 4:26pm
All i want to do is sing it in a Karaoke Bar
by bill on 9/9/2008 6:09am
best song eva
by m_k_r on 9/27/2008 2:41pm
this song is so funny!
i love it.
by ariielbby on 9/28/2008 2:31am
thiis s0ng iis the shiit :]]
but..hell nah!
giirls t0 d0 the laundry??
t0 clean up y0 r00m?!


yew d0 that ishh y0urself!!
by perro on 9/30/2008 11:44pm
hijueputaaaaaaaaaaa nom me la puedo aprender fockin
by kate on 10/1/2008 10:47am
lmao this is the greatest song on earth!! <3
by hn on 10/22/2008 2:49pm
this is degrading to women
by Bob on 11/3/2008 10:58am
Its the best song ever
by Dante on 11/8/2008 10:49am
thats what she said
by mid20's on 11/11/2008 4:34am
Please learn to spell and/or type correctly. The Beastie Boys are not a bad for retarded people to listen to... stop.
by Jarrett&Eva on 11/19/2008 12:38pm
Maybe before you complain about other individuals ability to type sufficiently, you may consider checking your own comments.

Else you look retard yo.

I typeded thats goods and stuffs.
by birdy13 on 11/22/2008 4:27pm
love it!
by GIRLSLUVMA10INCH on 12/19/2008 6:35pm
oh yeah this song is class!!!
by T'mon on 12/21/2008 3:29am
by af on 12/29/2008 12:01pm
whats home-piece MCA
by ricky booby on 1/3/2009 5:03pm
i lovvvvvvvvvvvvvvve this song
by .:PUPPEt:. on 1/7/2009 11:13pm
dAM i fUCkiN lOVE tHiz SONG!. BUt GUyz yAll tRiPPEN jaja...
by FELIIX on 1/12/2009 1:10pm
by BEASTIE BOYS on 1/19/2009 6:37pm
by Peyton on 1/20/2009 3:22pm
I ABSOLUTELY LOVE the Beastie Boys!!!!!! :)
by Joker on 1/25/2009 5:26pm
This Song Is Funny
by Menna Mohie on 2/18/2009 12:16pm
Well It's True But I Don't Like This Part:
Girls - to do the dishes
Girls - to clean up my room
Girls - to do the laundry
it's like they are using us but well it's the truth
Girls - to do the dishes
Girls - to clean up my room
Girls - to do the laundry
and boys go to work and come eat then sleep ugh !!!
by beastie boys on 2/24/2009 10:18pm
fuck all you fans
by HI MOM on 3/3/2009 8:25pm
by Goku on 3/12/2009 8:32pm
i really REALLY want girls...
by Danetheman on 3/28/2009 1:02pm
what the hell is this? i have never heard anything like it!! its kind of weird
by gangsta on 3/29/2009 10:03pm
best song EVER!!
by hoebanger on 4/10/2009 10:55pm
girls-to suck on my wanker
girls-to clean up my balls
girls-to sit on my face
girls-to do the mutha fuckin housework yo
by Sayana on 6/30/2009 3:17pm
THis song is AMAZING!!!!
i'm so glad im a girl :D
by TheManWithThe20inchNob on 7/6/2009 9:40am
its ok.
by girls! on 7/11/2009 7:47pm
by haha oooook 20inchNob keep dreaming on 7/13/2009 11:40am
one of the best songs ever. true genious
by chyea on 9/2/2009 6:22pm
haha this song is sooooo old...
and in a way its chirpin girls..
clean up his room..
haha still love it
by gaza boy on 9/12/2009 11:15am
i love my girl hear name is trica
by Mcmikeman on 9/16/2009 9:18pm
Lol. Doing this song for lipsync at homecoming
by beyli on 9/29/2009 11:46pm
This could play for ever and it will never get old never in my life.
by KG on 10/27/2009 12:59pm
There's no complexity to this song. Annoying "singing" voice too. It's not even a good drinking song it's so horrible!
by buddy on 12/11/2009 2:50am
i haven't thought about that song in 100 years dude!!!
by Fuck Yeah. on 1/8/2010 6:59am
This is teh shit.
by chinsnquads on 3/2/2010 8:06pm
love the song except for the last bit thats degrading. stupid catchy-ness of the song. lol
by Daniel Dutch on 4/5/2010 1:01am
i fuken love this song to hell
i swear i do
this song is awesome lol
my gf loves it too
keeep it up
by cool on 5/2/2010 8:42am
i hate this song becouse it lie
by anonymous on 5/16/2010 7:48pm
i love this song..except for the end where he's saying for girls to clean all this ish..its the 21st century, do it yourself lazy!! haha
by mocarny nalesnik on 5/19/2010 2:33pm
The most funny song around the world Girls!
by Becky on 5/27/2010 5:05pm
LOL All the girls complaining about the ending. Get a sense of humor.
I LOVE the ending.

THIS SONG MAKES ME SO HAPPY <33 8D It is just so silly. One of my favorites, for sure.
by Toria on 5/31/2010 1:51pm
haha, im a [straight] girl and i love this songg! haha, its amazing and anyone who says its offensive just needs to calm down.
oh, and its aksed not asked.
by Elena and Alissa on 6/20/2010 3:50pm
I am very young but when my mom turned up this song on the radio we started singin to it. I think that it is an awesome song
by TheGuyWithA20InchSchlong on 7/6/2010 8:18pm
i enjoy this song
by Yeah,YouGuysJustShutTheFuckUp. on 9/4/2010 11:16pm
This song is AMAZING!

By the way, you guys need to learn how to spell and use correct grammar. Seriously, it gets annoying when you read a comment that's "sP3ll3D LiK DiZ && Da 0's ar3 z3r0s." Seriously, go to school and learn how to spell, or at least how to type.
by wow total idiots on 10/7/2010 7:26pm
doesn't take much thought to make a song this stupid
by cyrus on 10/17/2010 6:36pm
it's a song get over it, it makes you wanna dance! n that's all that matters much! it's the fukn beastie boys! <3
by tmuhammadhmd on 11/1/2010 2:42pm
iwanta friend
by Pooja verma on 11/27/2010 2:25am
Fuck boys
by .-.-.-.....----..---.-. on 11/28/2010 7:30am
by Amster:. on 1/13/2011 2:47pm
bro this song isawesome!!! :)
by etan on 1/28/2011 3:10pm
haha what fuck that
i love girl 4 love
by I love it on 2/3/2011 3:23pm
I'm a girl and my best buds and I love this song! We are making a music video this weekend . I LOVE THIS SONG
by blissfulbaby on 2/13/2011 3:36pm
i lalalalove this song
by mom2be on 3/9/2011 10:03am
i love this song it is the best but old
by destiny price on 3/30/2011 6:21pm
loveeeeee this song....but it would be better if they made a boys song...that says..boys...all i really want is do the dishes...hahahahaahahahahahahaha
by FAHEEM on 4/12/2011 10:59pm
by mike on 4/15/2011 8:00am
beasties song ever
by insanitiezzz humanity on 4/15/2011 4:03pm
wtf iz heresy?!?
by thaslima nasren on 4/30/2011 12:14am
hi i love
by Heartless kidd on 5/8/2011 2:06pm
by kiara on 5/12/2011 4:05pm
i loave this song and i am a girl it is stuck in my mind and i cant get it out
by kate postern on 5/14/2011 10:45am
hi by the way the song was not bad
by gustavo orozco on 6/3/2011 7:42pm
i love this song
by Barracuda on 7/13/2011 10:03am
Es ist sehr gut
by TheHorribleTrue on 9/12/2011 4:52pm
I Love this song!!!!
by joon on 9/13/2011 10:04am
theres a song with this tune but its talking about squirrels
by big papa on 12/8/2011 4:43pm
I listen to this song all the time girls thats all i really want is girls
by cruzzy on 12/15/2011 9:51am
my all time favorite!!!!
by a.sumeet on 12/28/2011 5:57am
i love my dear
by saman on 1/31/2012 1:08am
by SAMAN on 2/1/2012 1:45am
by song segesture on 3/14/2012 9:05pm
If u thought this was cool u should look up the assumption song
by :) on 3/15/2012 7:47pm
Thats all i really want are girls
by Gansta650 on 5/4/2012 4:11pm
R.I.P Adam
by wierd kid on 5/26/2012 5:01pm
The song is ok. i like it but i dont like the ending that much... sorry
by taylovesu333 on 7/5/2012 1:13pm
this is a great song!!
by Cupcake on 7/15/2012 6:04am
This song is amazing but it must be like a million years old! Does anyone know if the beastie boys still sing?
by sameer on 10/16/2012 4:03pm
this song is stupid
by the truth on 11/25/2012 6:09am
awesome song, but you've got these lyrics soooo wrong!
by Yepp on 5/31/2013 11:20am
Plebs thinking the song is literal.
by epicness XD on 6/13/2013 11:04pm
I ask3d my dad to play this song at his wedding.BEASTIE BOYS RULE!!!!
by carol on 2/5/2014 11:37am
sexist song!
by Bret Postma on 5/14/2014 2:36am
Yeah its an old song. Ni they don't really mean what they say. Kids today need to learn to history !!
by Owo gang 69 on 11/5/2018 11:07am
Lmao epic fordnide moment dabs this is so epic

Beastie Boys Lyrics
Beastie Boys Licensed To Ill Lyrics

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