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Poison Corporations Lyrics

Artist: Aus-Rotten
Album: The System Works For Them

Greedy fucking bastards killing off the land
Watch our fucking planet burn soil turns to sand
Acid rain is falling from the skies
It's only getting worse contrary to the politicians lies
Agent Orange, Seven Chlordate, and DDT
Made by corpoate bastards like the DuPont company
Nuclear waste, helps helps destroy our earth
Once they pass it on to us what will it all be worth
Poisin corporations
They're sealed the planets doom
Thinking they could pay for whatever they consume
What good is all their money when there's no one left to buy?
You can either try to stop them or you can watch our planet die
Coke and Pepsi, made by popular demands
Exploit the third world workers on what used to be their lands
McDonalds, with their sick McWORLD in sight
You can help them to achieve their goal every time you take a bite
World conquest, through murder and starvations
Imperialist dictators live to oppress the weaker nations
Ruling class, fucking beat the people down again
Their profit margins more important then their fellow man
Poisin corporations
They're sealed the planets doom
Thinking they could pay for whatever they consume
What good is all their money when there's no one left to buy?
You can either try to stop them or you can watch our planet die


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Aus-Rotten Lyrics
Aus-Rotten The System Works For Them Lyrics

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