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Head of the Family Lyrics

Artist: Andreas Johnson
Album: Cottonfish Tales

Head of the family,
that's what you are to me
There's nothing more to say
I've been changing, rearranging
everything you gave to me
So how can I feel
The beauty you possess
How can I see
the love-the love you express
Head of the family
in everything we see
under the surface you float
Head of the family
just like you and me
So this is how we grow-no
How can I feel
the beauty you possess
How can I see
the love-the love you express
So how can feel
the beauty you possess
How can I see
the love-the love you express
Head of the family
that's what you are to me
There's nothing more to say?


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Andreas Johnson Lyrics
Andreas Johnson Cottonfish Tales Lyrics

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