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ariana Lyrics

Artist: Alphaville
Album: Breathtaking Blue

driving down the streets, listening to the radio
what do i get: ariana
reading the papers and the news they scream
haven't you heard: ariana
she rules the business, she's sucha restless genuine juvenile
everyone knows, wherever she goes
she got chique, she got class, she got style

arianamaniacs rulr the world, haven't you heard
arianamania sets the scenes on fire

we're goin' nutz for ariana
we're goin' carazzy forrr herrr
everything glows, wherever she goes
she got sex from her lips to her toes
all the casanovas, even zombies agree
with the hummingbirds and the beasts from the sea
ariana's a real sensation
when will she be on the screeeeeen...


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Alphaville Lyrics
Alphaville Breathtaking Blue Lyrics

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